Jiangsu Boxin Investing & Holdings (600083.SH) stock has triggered the mandatory delisting indicators for trading categories. It will be suspended from trading starting tomorrow.

GMT Eight
Jiangsu Boxin Investing & Holdings (600083.SH) has announced that as of January 16, 2025, the total market value of the company's stock closing was 212 million yuan, which has been below 500 million yuan for 20 consecutive trading days. According to Rule 9.2.1, Item (V) of the Stock Listing Rules, the company's stock has triggered the conditions for termination of listing. The company's stock may be delisted from the Shanghai Stock Exchange. According to the Stock Listing Rules, the company's stock will be suspended from trading starting January 17, 2025 (Friday). The Shanghai Stock Exchange Listing Committee will review whether to terminate the listing of the company's stock within 15 trading days after the deadline for the company to present evidence, make a statement and defend itself, or after the hearing process is completed, and will make an independent and professional judgment and form an opinion. Based on the opinion of the Listing Committee, the Shanghai Stock Exchange will decide whether to delist the stock. Within 5 trading days after announcing the decision to delist the company's stock, the Shanghai Stock Exchange will delist the company's stock.

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