CH BIOTECH SER (08037): Signed a letter of intent for cooperation framework with Jinshazhou Hospital of Guangzhou University of Chinese Medicine.

GMT Eight
CH BIOTECH SER (08037) announced that on September 19, 2024, Pengbo (Hainan) Boron Neutron Medical Technology Co., Ltd. (an indirect wholly-owned subsidiary of the company, primarily engaged in providing Boron Neutron Capture Therapy (BNCT)), signed a cooperation framework intent agreement with the Jinshazhou Hospital of Guangzhou University of Chinese Medicine. The agreement includes cooperation in the areas of BNCT drugs and medical devices, referral collaboration, equity cooperation, and expansion of indications. The hospital is a large nonprofit tertiary comprehensive hospital approved by the Guangzhou Health and Family Planning Commission, integrating medical care, teaching, research, and prevention. It is a major livelihood project in Guangzhou, part of the Guangzhou 120 emergency medical network, one of the first internet hospitals in Guangdong Province, a designated hospital for medical insurance/work injury/maternity insurance in Guangzhou, and a designated hospital for medical treatment settlements under cross-provincial medical insurance in Guangdong Province. The hospital has obtained qualifications as a Good Clinical Practice (GCP) site from the National Medical Products Administration (NMPA), and is a training base for master's and doctoral students of Guangzhou University of Chinese Medicine, as well as holding various other important positions in medical associations. Developing BNCT cancer treatment centers and providing tumor immunotherapy services are among the group's main business activities. The board of directors believes that collaborating with the hospital (including jointly establishing the Guangzhou Jinshazhou Boron Neutron Capture Therapy Center) will generate synergies and deepen cooperation in BNCT, thus benefiting the long-term development of the group's core business, enhancing the group's position, and strengthening its influence in the Greater Bay Area, ultimately bringing the greatest returns to the company and its shareholders.
