Shenzhen AV-Display (300939.SZ) shareholders Chunhua Fu, Qiushi Fu, and Guyu Fu plan to collectively reduce their holdings by no more than 1.15%.

GMT Eight
Shenzhen AV-Display (300939.SZ) announced that certain shareholders Gan Zhou Chun Hua Fu Investment Partnership (Limited Partnership), Gan Zhou Qiu Shi Fu Investment Partnership (Limited Partnership), Gan Zhou Gu Yu Fu Investment Partnership (Limited Partnership), and the company's supervisors Zheng Rong, Li Jianfeng, and senior management Shi Jun, Hong Junbin, Zhang Feng, and Wang Xi'ang plan to reduce their holdings of company shares. The above-mentioned supervisors and senior management will implement the reduction through Chun Hua Fu, Qiu Shi Fu, and Gu Yu Fu. In this reduction, Chun Hua Fu, Qiu Shi Fu, and Gu Yu Fu plan to collectively reduce their holdings by no more than 1.15%, or 136,660 shares in total (including 224,000 shares to be reduced by the above-mentioned supervisors and senior management).
