Jiangsu Zhongli Group (002309.SZ) respectively signed debt compensation agreements with creditors Jiangsu Oriental Asset Management and China Construction Investment Leasing.

GMT Eight
Jiangsu Zhongli Group (002309.SZ) announced that recently, the company received written agreement documents from relevant departments, and learned that the company and its subsidiaries have signed debt compensation agreements with creditors China Orient Asset Management Corporation Jiangsu Branch (referred to as "Jiangsu Orient AMC") and China Construction Investment Leasing Corporation (referred to as "CCIL"). The agreements shall become effective from the date when the parties themselves/legal representatives or authorized representatives sign and affix their official seals, and from the date when the company's bankruptcy reorganization is accepted by the Suzhou Intermediate People's Court. The above-mentioned creditors voluntarily compensate the company's non-operational fund occupation amount with their debts, and after the related debt compensation is completed, the creditors will no longer pursue recovery from the company or its subsidiaries. As of now, the total amount of non-operational fund occupation compensated by the creditors for the company's controlling shareholders and their affiliates is 839 million yuan (including this time). The company's signing of debt compensation agreements with creditors Jiangsu Orient AMC and CCIL is a voluntary agreement reached through negotiation, which is beneficial for resolving the company's debt issues, resolving the fund occupation issues of the company's controlling shareholders and their affiliates, and also positively promoting the company's pre-reorganization and reorganization work, in line with the interests of the company and all shareholders.

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