The People's Bank of China issues notice regarding matters related to interbank bond market counter business.
GMT Eight
On February 29th, the People's Bank of China issued a notice regarding the counter business of the interbank bond market. The notice stated that investors can invest in various types of bonds in the interbank bond market, including government bonds, local government bonds, financial bonds, corporate credit bonds, etc., through counter operations of designated institutions. The suitability of investors should comply with the regulations of the "National Interbank Bond Market Counter Business Management Measures." Currently, the scale of direct holdings of government bonds by Chinese residents is relatively small, and there is still significant room for growth compared to mature bond markets. By investing in the bond market through counter channels, savings can be efficiently converted into bond investments, increasing residents' property income. This notice will be implemented starting from May 1, 2024.Winter."Je suis dsol, je ne parle pas franais."
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