The Hong Kong dollar short-term interbank interest rate has remained relatively low, with the one-month rate falling below 4.5%.

GMT Eight
The short-term interbank interest rates of the Hong Kong dollar remain relatively soft, but the medium and long-term rates are stabilizing. The overnight rate dropped by about 16 basis points to 3.66095%, hitting a new four-week low. The one-month interbank rate related to property mortgage continued to fall for the third consecutive day, dropping below 4.5% to 4.48988%, the lowest since September 11. The one-week rate dropped to 4.27137%, while the three-month interbank rate, reflecting the cost of bank funds, maintained at 4.68387%. The spread with the US dollar LIBOR rate slightly widened to 91 basis points. On the long-term side, the six-month interbank rate also stayed at 4.68929%, while the one-year rate increased to 4.7672%.
