LINGBAO GOLD-1K(03330) plans to offer a discount of about 12.38% to sell a maximum of 43.5 million shares, raising approximately HK$229 million.
GMT Eight
LINGBAO GOLD-1K (03330) announced that on March 10, 2025 (after trading hours), the company entered into a placement agreement with the placing agent. According to this agreement, the placing agent has conditionally agreed to act as the company's placing agent to use its best efforts to ensure that no less than six placees (including themselves and their ultimate beneficial owners, if applicable and who will be independent third parties) subscribe for up to 43.5 million placing shares at a placing price of HK$5.38 per placing share.
Assuming that the number of issued shares remains unchanged from the date of this announcement to the completion date, the maximum of 43.5 million placing shares under the placement represents approximately 4.10% of the existing issued H shares as of the announcement date and approximately 3.50% of the existing issued shares, as well as approximately 3.93% of the existing issued H shares and approximately 3.38% of the existing issued shares after the issuance and placement of the placing shares.
The placing price of HK$5.38 per placing share represents a discount of approximately 12.38% to the closing market price per H share on the Stock Exchange on March 10, 2025 (i.e. the fixing date of the placing price), and a discount of approximately 3.76% to the average closing market price per H share reported on the Stock Exchange in the five consecutive trading days immediately preceding March 10, 2025.
Assuming all placing shares are fully placed and completed, the expected maximum total proceeds and net proceeds (after deduction of the placement commission and other related costs and expenses of the placement) from the placement are expected to be approximately HK$234 million and HK$229 million, respectively. Based on this, the net issue price is approximately HK$5.26 per placing share.