Beijing Easpring Material Technology (300073.SZ) signed a long-term supply agreement with LG Energy Solution, Ltd.

GMT Eight
Beijing Easpring Material Technology (300073.SZ) announced that recently, the company and its subsidiaries, Jiangsu Dangsheng Material Technology Co., Ltd., Beijing Easpring Material Technology (Changzhou) Co., Ltd., and Beijing Easpring Material Technology (Finland) Co., Ltd. (collectively referred to as the "Seller"), signed a LONG TERM SUPPLY AGREEMENT with LG Energy Solution, Ltd. (referred to as "LGES" or "Buyer") in Seoul, South Korea. According to the agreement, LGES is expected to purchase 110,000 tons of high nickel and medium nickel lithium battery cathode materials and other models from Beijing Easpring Material Technology from 2025 to 2027. The specific order situation is subject to the actual execution.
