Jiangsu Shentong Valve (002438.SZ) increases funding to its wholly-owned subsidiary Shentong Nuclear Energy by 15.55 million yuan.

GMT Eight
Jiangsu Shentong Valve (002438.SZ) announced that the company has increased the capital of its wholly-owned subsidiary Jiangsu Shentong Valve Nuclear Equipment Co., Ltd. ("Shentong Nuclear") by 15.5514 million yuan (referred to as "this capital increase"). After this capital increase, the company still holds 100% of the shares of Shentong Nuclear. Recently, Shentong Nuclear has completed the industrial and commercial registration procedures and obtained a new business license issued by the Data Bureau of Qidong City. The registered capital of Shentong Nuclear has been changed from 300 million yuan to 316 million yuan, and other registration matters have not changed. This capital increase is to meet the operational development needs of Shentong Nuclear, to ensure its daily operational needs, and to facilitate its external business cooperation.

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