Kunshan TopA Intelligent Equipment (300836.SZ) plans to launch an employee stock ownership plan in 2025, raising a total of 9.0217 million yuan.

GMT Eight
Kunshan TopA Intelligent Equipment (300836.SZ) disclosed the 2025 employee stock ownership plan (draft), with a total fundraising limit of 9.021682 million yuan. The total number of company employees participating in this employee stock ownership plan shall not exceed 20, including 4 company supervisors and senior management personnel. The shares held by the repurchased securities account will be transferred to the employee stock ownership plan through legal means allowed by laws and regulations such as non-trading transfer. The total number of shares in this employee stock ownership plan shall not exceed 358,715 shares. The price at which the employee stock ownership plan purchases the company's repurchased shares is 25.15 yuan per share. The term of this employee stock ownership plan is 48 months.

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