UNIVERSE ENT(01046) released its mid-year performance report, with a shareholder's attributable loss of 74.27 million Hong Kong dollars, a turnaround from profit to loss compared to the same period last year.
GMT Eight
UNIVERSE ENT (01046) announced its interim performance for the six months ending on December 31, 2024. The group recorded total revenue of HK$249 million, a decrease of 15.99% compared to the same period last year. The company's attributable loss was HK$74.277 million, compared to a profit of HK$518,000 in the same period last year. The loss per share was 8.19 HK cents.
The group's loss for this period increased compared to the previous period, mainly due to impairment losses of approximately HK$64.5 million on movie rights acquired and movies in production during this period (compared to none in the previous period). The impairment losses were recognised due to a decrease in actual and expected revenue from these movie rights and productions.