Omdia: MVNO market is on the rise. The global annual compound growth rate of users will reach 3.6% by 2029.

GMT Eight
According to the latest forecast from Omdia, the global Mobile Virtual Network Operator (MVNO) market will steadily grow in the coming years, with a compound annual growth rate of 3.6% for the global user base between 2023 and 2029. The growth rate of global MVNO users is more than twice the predicted compound annual growth rate of 1.6% for global individual mobile users during the same period, indicating that the MVNO market will outperform the general individual mobile market. However, Omdia predicts that there will be significant differences in growth rates across major regions globally, with the number of MVNO users increasing in the Americas, Middle East, and Africa, while declining in Europe. Omdia predicts that with expansion in Brazil, Mexico, and the United States, the number of MVNO users in the Americas is expected to grow at a compound annual growth rate of 10.6% between 2023 and 2029. In the Middle East and Africa, the growth rate will be even stronger, with MVNO user numbers expected to grow at a compound annual growth rate of 17.6% from 2023 to 2029, driven by South Africa and Nigeria. Throughout the forecast period, Asia and Oceania will be the largest MVNO markets in terms of user numbers, but the growth in MVNO user numbers in this region is not significant. While Europe is one of the most developed MVNO markets, the number of MVNO users in Europe is expected to shrink in the coming years due to competition among operator sub-brands and some MVNOs deciding to deploy their own mobile networks. Matthew Reed, author of the report and Chief Analyst of Service Providers and Markets at Omdia, said: "Banks, supermarkets, broadband and television service providers remain major players in the MVNO market, in part because they can effectively promote mobile services to existing customers. Adding mobile services to their product offerings can help these providers increase customer engagement, retention, and revenue."
