USPACE TECH (01725) stock price anomaly, change of control or change of ownership.

GMT Eight
USPACE TECH (01725) announced that the company has noticed a recent increase in its stock price and trading volume. After conducting a reasonable inquiry into the relevant circumstances related to the company, the company confirms that, except for the disclosures made in this announcement and its previous announcements (including but not limited to the latest business development announcement on the joint venture agreement dated February 4, 2025, and the latest business development announcement on the strategic cooperation agreement dated February 6, 2025), the company is not aware of any other reasons that may have led to the change in stock price or trading volume, nor is it aware of any material that must be disclosed to prevent false market appearances or any insider information that must be disclosed in accordance with the Securities and Futures Ordinance (Chapter 571 of the Laws of Hong Kong), Part XIVA. On February 3, 2025 (after trading hours), the company entered into a memorandum of understanding with Nine Days International Limited (potential subscriber) regarding the potential subscription of a certain number of new ordinary shares of the company (to be determined by the company and the potential subscriber, which is expected to be not less than 30% of the entire issued share capital of the company after the issuance and expansion of shares based on the potential subscription matter), which may result in a change in control of the company. The potential subscriber is currently owned in full by Mr. Zhao Wei as of the date of this announcement, and the share structure may undergo further changes before the formal agreement is entered into.
