SINO BIOPHARM (01177): "Lorinsolone Sodium Gel Patch Cream" approved for market listing.

GMT Eight
SINO BIOPHARM (01177) announced that the group's development "Lornoxicam Sodium Gel Patch" (brand name: Desupine) has been approved for marketing by the Chinese National Medical Products Administration for the treatment of inflammation and pain in the following diseases and symptoms: osteoarthritis, muscle pain, and swelling pain caused by trauma. Desupine is the only domestically produced lornoxicam sodium gel patch that has been approved for marketing through consistency evaluation and clinical trials. Lornoxicam sodium is a propionic acid class nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drug, which works by inhibiting cyclooxygenase and blocking prostaglandin synthesis, thereby exerting anti-inflammatory, antipyretic, and analgesic effects. Compared to other nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, lornoxicam sodium is a prodrug with good safety and tolerability. Its oral formulations have been widely used since its launch in 1986. As a leading domestic modern transdermal external drug enterprise, the group utilized its self-built gel patch technology platform to develop the lornoxicam sodium gel patch product through phase III clinical trials with positive drug and placebo parallel controls. The product showed significant efficacy, high safety, and good skin compatibility in clinical trials. Compared to oral formulations, the external lornoxicam sodium gel patch can increase the local concentration of lornoxicam sodium at the pain site, avoid first-pass liver effects, enhance efficacy, and avoid gastrointestinal irritation. Moreover, it has good lasting tolerability, and the once-daily dosing regimen can significantly improve patient compliance. After Fluibiprofen Gel Patch and Lidocaine Gel Patch, the lornoxicam sodium gel patch is another heavyweight gel patch product from the group, further strengthening the group's product pipeline in the analgesic and surgical field. The original lornoxicam sodium drug is not currently marketed in China, so Desupine provides more treatment options for patients, ensuring the safety of their medication.
