In 2024, our country has implemented more than 60,000 urban renewal projects, with a total investment completed of around 2.9 trillion yuan.

GMT Eight
According to China Construction News Network, in 2024, China implemented more than 60,000 urban renewal projects, with an investment of approximately 2.9 trillion yuan, and comprehensive effects gradually becoming apparent. Among them, 12 provinces established special funds for awards, subsidies, or loan interest subsidies, and 12 provinces issued special bonds totaling nearly 100 billion yuan for various types of renewal and renovation projects, with some areas improving tax and fee reduction policies. Various regions actively sought financial and credit support, expanding credit reporting methods and extending loan terms. Twenty-eight cities established urban renewal funds, with a total fund size of 455 billion yuan. Various regions attracted social capital investments through government-enterprise cooperation, franchising, enterprise contracting, and independent renewal. The text above: More than 60,000 urban renewal projects implemented nationwide in 2024 All regions across the country have generally regarded urban renewal as a comprehensive and systematic strategic action for party committees and governments to do well in urban work in the new era and promote the high-quality development of cities, continuously innovating and improving the mechanism, institutional policies, and implementation models of urban renewal work. In 2024, more than 60,000 urban renewal projects were implemented nationwide, with an investment of approximately 2.9 trillion yuan, and comprehensive effects are gradually becoming apparent. 1. Establish a government overall coordination, departmental linkage, supervision, and assessment work organization mechanism. More than 410 cities have set up urban renewal work leading groups, with the main leaders serving as the group leaders to strengthen government coordination. Twenty-one cities have established urban renewal bureaus to promote full-time management on a regular basis. Twelve provinces have established provincial supervisory mechanisms, and seven provinces have included urban renewal in the provincial government's performance appraisal. Ten provinces have carried out provincial-level urban renewal pilot projects in stages. 2. Construct an urban renewal system and policy framework. One province and nine cities have issued urban renewal regulations, 92 cities have issued management measures, and 150 cities have issued guiding documents, making the objectives, tasks, paths, and procedures of urban renewal gradually clear. More than 1,000 supporting policies have been formulated in various regions related to land, planning, finance, and taxation, as well as financial support. More than 260 technical standards and operation guidelines have been issued, improving the accuracy of supporting policies. 3. Establish an integrated mechanism for city check-ups and urban renewal. 297 cities at the prefectural level or above have comprehensively carried out urban check-ups, thoroughly identifying urban problems and determining key tasks for urban renewal. More than 310 cities have formulated special urban renewal plans to form an implementation system of "urban renewal planningunit (area) planningproject implementation plans," with some cities emphasizing refined urban design guidance. Sixteen provinces have established urban renewal project libraries to strengthen project planning, regular reserves, and dynamic adjustments. Various regions continue to optimize construction project approval management procedures.
