PROSP INV HOLD(00310) issues profit warning, expecting an annual comprehensive loss attributable to shareholders of approximately HKD 17.49 million.
GMT Eight
PROSP INV HOLD (00310) announced that it is expected to have a comprehensive loss attributable to owners of approximately HK$17.49 million for the year ending 2024, representing a decrease of approximately HK$4.91 million or 21.91% compared to HK$22.40 million for the year ending December 31, 2023. The total operating income for the year ending 2024 is estimated to be approximately HK$4.336 million, which is a significant decrease of approximately HK$12.164 million or 73.72% compared to HK$16.50 million for the year ending 2023. This is mainly due to a decrease in the group's business operations in the year ending 2024.