Zhejiang Zheneng Electric Power (600023.SH) plans to increase its capital by 379 million yuan to China Nuclear Huineng.

GMT Eight
Zhejiang Zheneng Electric Power (600023.SH) announced that the company holds a 4.8% stake in Zhonghe Huineng. In line with development needs, Zhonghe Huineng is increasing its capital by 7.896 billion yuan through a private agreement. The company will contribute 379 million yuan based on its 4.8% shareholding, and will make installment payments according to Zhonghe Huineng's payment notice requirements. The company's participation in Zhonghe Huineng's capital increase will help further share in Zhonghe Huineng's development achievements, avoid dilution of equity, and align with the company's strategic development direction.

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