Midea Group Co., Ltd (00300): Fully exercised the overallotment option.

GMT Eight
Midea Group Co., Ltd. (00300) announced that the rights issue as stated in the prospectus has been fully exercised by the overall coordinator (on behalf of the international underwriters) on September 25, 2024 (Tuesday), involving a total of 84.8932 million H shares, equivalent to approximately 15.0% of the total number of shares available for subscription under the global offering (after considering the exercise of the over-allotment option but before any exercise of the rights issue). The H shares to be issued as a result of the exercise of the rights issue will be allocated and issued by the company at a price of HK$54.80 per H share (i.e. the offering price per H share under the global offering, excluding 1% brokerage commission, 0.0027% SFC transaction levy, 0.00565% HKEX trading fee and 0.00015% HKEX transaction levy) . The shares from the rights issue will be used to facilitate the delivery of some H shares to the underwriters who have agreed to a delayed delivery of their subscribed H shares under the global offering. The HKEX has approved the listing and trading of the shares issued under the rights issue. It is expected that the shares from the rights issue will start trading on the Main Board of the HKEX at 9:00 am on Monday, September 30, 2024. The company will raise additional net proceeds of approximately HK$4.615 billion from the issuance and allocation of the additional 84.8932 million H shares due to the full exercise of the rights issue (after deducting underwriting fees and commissions, as well as estimated expenses payable by the company related to the exercise of the rights issue).

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