HSSP INTL (03626) is expected to incur an annual loss and total comprehensive expenditure of no more than 3 million Hong Kong dollars.

GMT Eight
HSSP INTL (03626) announced that it is expected to incur a loss and total comprehensive expenses of not more than approximately HK$30 million for the year ending June 30, 2024, compared to a loss and total comprehensive expenses of approximately HK$260 million for the year ending June 30, 2023. The main reasons for the expected decrease in the group's loss for the 2024 fiscal year compared to the 2023 fiscal year are: no impairment losses on non-financial assets; one-time gains from the sale of properties, factories, and equipment; improved performance in sales and distribution operations of the printing business segment and the food, daily necessities, and utility products segment leading to an increase in revenue and gross profit; and the launch of a new restaurant business segment in Hong Kong in the 2024 fiscal year.

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