Shanxi Coking Coal Energy Group's subsidiary Jining Coal Industry resumes production.

GMT Eight
Shanxi Coking Coal Energy Group (000983.SZ) announced that its subsidiary Shanxi Huajin Jin Ning Coal Industry Co., Ltd. ("Ji Ning Coal Industry") has stopped production due to a safety accident. During the shutdown, the company took the production rectification work seriously, rectified the issues and hazards found, and the local coal mine safety supervision and management bureau of Xiangning County organized a production resumption acceptance inspection. Currently, Ji Ning Coal Industry has received a notice from the local coal mine safety supervision and management bureau of Xiangning County ("Notification on the Resumption of Production of Shanxi Huajin Jin Ning Coal Industry Co., Ltd.") allowing Ji Ning Coal Industry to resume production. Ji Ning Coal Industry will resume production starting from September 25th in accordance with the requirements.
