National Development and Reform Commission: The scale of national bond funds corresponding to subsidy applications approved by the national old-for-new platform for automobiles has reached nearly 11 billion yuan.

GMT Eight
On September 25th, the National Development and Reform Commission held a special press conference to introduce the progress and typical practices of the consumer goods trade-in program. Wen Hua, Deputy Director of the Resources Conservation and Environmental Protection Department of the National Development and Reform Commission, mentioned that the work of reviewing and distributing subsidies for scrapped vehicles has been expedited. As of September 24th, the cumulative amount of subsidy applications approved on the national platform for trading in old vehicles for new ones has reached nearly 11 billion yuan. In addition, 24 regions including Chongqing, Beijing, Tianjin, Shanghai, and Jiangsu have also introduced policy measures to support the replacement and update of vehicles, with subsidies of up to 18,000 yuan available. Geng Hongzhou, Chief Inspector of the Consumption Promotion Department of the Ministry of Commerce, reported that as of midnight on September 25th, the national platform for trading in old vehicles for new ones has received over 1.13 million subsidy applications for scrapped and updated vehicles, with over 1.68 million registered users on the platform. The volume of subsidy applications continues to grow rapidly. From January to August this year, the retail sales of passenger cars in China reached 13.472 million units, a year-on-year increase of 1.9%. Among them, the retail sales of new energy passenger cars increased by 35.3% year-on-year, accounting for 44.7% of the market. The policy of trading in old vehicles for new ones has also fueled the peak season of "Golden September, Silver October" for automobile consumption, driving rapid growth in related industries. The transcript of the press conference is as follows: Zheng Lurong: Dear media friends, good morning! Welcome to the press conference of the National Development and Reform Commission. Starting from this Monday, we have held a series of press conferences on the "Two New" policies for three consecutive days. Today is the third session, focusing on the progress and typical practices of the consumer goods trade-in program. We are pleased to invite: Mr. Wen Hua, Deputy Director of the Resources Conservation and Environmental Protection Department of the National Development and Reform Commission; Mr. Geng Hongzhou, Chief Inspector of the Consumption Promotion Department of the Ministry of Commerce; Mr. Wang Shengli, Deputy Director of the Quality Supervision Department of the State Administration for Market Regulation; Mr. Lai Xianyu, Member of the Party Group and Deputy Director of the Beijing Development and Reform Commission; Mr. Gao Jian, Party Secretary and Director of the Chongqing Development and Reform Commission; Mr. Ai Xuefeng, Party Secretary and Director of the Guangdong Development and Reform Commission. We welcome all the leaders to attend this press conference to introduce the relevant information about the consumer goods trade-in program and answer questions from the media. Next, let's have Mr. Wen Hua from the National Development and Reform Commission to introduce the latest progress and effectiveness of the consumer goods trade-in program. Please go ahead. Wen Hua: Dear media friends, Good day! Today is the last session of the "Two New" policy series press conference. I will be presenting with my colleagues the progress and typical practices of the consumer goods trade-in program. Promoting the trade-in of consumer goods for new ones is a major policy that benefits enterprises and the people, and it is also an important measure to implement the strategy of expanding domestic demand. Currently, China has over 3 billion units of major household appliances and over 300 million vehicles, with huge potential for renewal. The Central Committee of the Communist Party of China and the State Council have made significant decisions to promote the large-scale equipment renewal and consumer goods trade-in, emphasizing the need to use a combination of policies to promote high-quality durable consumer goods to enter the lives of residents. The National Development and Reform Commission, together with various regions and relevant departments, has conscientiously implemented the decisions of the Central Committee and the State Council, issuing a series of high-quality and broad-reaching policy measures to promote continuous progress and achievements in the trade-in of consumer goods. The recent progress can be summarized as "three accelerations." First, the construction of the policy system and working mechanism has accelerated. At the national level, the National Development and Reform Commission has led the establishment of an inter-ministerial joint meeting system consisting of 21 departments and units to discuss and coordinate work progress and resolve issues in a timely manner. The policy standard system has been improved, and after the issuance of several measures to support the "Two New" policies in July, relevant departments have successively issued detailed regulations in four areas: automobiles, household appliances, electric bicycles, and home improvement appliances. In addition, 115 national standards to support the trade-in of consumer goods have been fully drafted, with 30 standards already officially released. At the local level, all 31 provinces, autonomous regions, municipalities directly under the central government, and 5 planned single-city municipalities, as well as the Xinjiang Production and Construction Corps, have all introduced work plans to support the trade-in of consumer goods and issued accompanying implementation rules, clarifying the work goals, operational processes, and division of responsibilities for the trade-in of consumer goods. Second, the implementation of "real money" subsidies has accelerated. With the approval of the State Council, the National Development and Reform Commission, in conjunction with the Ministry of Finance, has allocated 150 billion yuan of special long-term treasury funds to support the trade-in of consumer goods at the local level based on factors such as the permanent resident population, regional GDP, and the number of automobiles and household appliances. The subsidy standards in key areas have been significantly increased, allowing more "real money" subsidies to reach consumers directly. For example, in the automobile sector, eligible vehicles for scrapping and updating can receive a subsidy of 20,000 yuan for purchasing new energy passenger cars and 15,000 yuan for purchasing fuel passenger cars. The review and distribution of subsidies for scrapped and updated vehicles has been expedited, with a total of nearly 11 billion yuan in national treasury funds already spent by the platform for trading in old vehicles for new ones as of September 24th. In addition, 24 regions including Chongqing, Beijing, Tianjin, Shanghai, and Jiangsu have introduced policy measures to support the trade-in and update of vehicles (i.e. selling old vehicles and buying new ones), with a maximum subsidy of 18,000 yuan available. In the household appliances sector, the national platform for trading in old household appliances for new ones has been established and is operating smoothly. Various regions are actively supporting the trade-in of household appliances, and major e-commerce platforms are also participating in subsidy activities. Individual consumers can receive a subsidy of 15% to 20% of the selling price when purchasing eligible products such as refrigerators, washing machines, televisions, and air conditioners. Some products have even greater discounts if combined with subsidies from platforms or manufacturers, providing consumers with real benefits. Third, local exploration and practice have accelerated. Regions have fully utilized their autonomy and creativity to expand the scope of support, innovate support methods, optimize service guarantees, strengthen publicity and guidance, and have developed a number of typical experiences and practices. For example, in terms of expanding the subsidy scope, Guangdong, Shanghai, Hubei, and other 20.In some regions, on the basis of the 8 categories of household appliances with clear subsidy standards set by the country, clothes dryers, robotic floor cleaners, dishwashers, smart toilets, kitchen small appliances, etc. have been included in the subsidy scope to meet consumers' more diverse demands for upgrading and replacing. In terms of optimizing subsidy methods, 23 regions including Beijing, Chongqing, and Jiangsu have adopted the direct deduction mode to distribute household appliance subsidies, making it convenient for consumers to enjoy discounts instantly with a simple and convenient process, and they can also be traceable in reverse. In terms of improving residents' quality of life, 26 regions including Zhejiang, Sichuan, and Gansu are making efforts to promote the replacement of kitchen and bathroom facilities in homes, while innovating ways to support home aging-in-place renovations. For example, on September 18th, Zhejiang has already distributed the first installment of aging-in-place renovation subsidy funds to eligible elderly households. In terms of enhancing service guarantees, all regions are further strengthening product quality and price supervision to protect consumers' rights and enhance their experience and satisfaction. For example, Beijing uses the average selling price from the past 2 months as the basis and sets a floating upper limit on the registered price of traded-in goods to prevent situations where "prices rise before subsidies are provided". In terms of strengthening publicity and guidance, various regions actively interpret policy documents through press conferences, publicity posters, short videos, etc., and organize activities such as brand promotions and supply-demand matching to make discount policies well-known to the public. !It should be very obvious.This round of boosting support for the "two new" policy is a rare opportunity to promote automobile consumption. Our city's work has three characteristics: First, we emphasize the word "fast" to respond promptly to market expectations. After the national efforts to support the "two new" policy were introduced, in order to respond quickly to the expectations of consumers, we were the first in the country to announce policy measures on August 20, adhering to the principle of "three synchronizations": firstly, the overall subsidy plan and subsidy policies in various fields, including automobiles, were announced simultaneously, and consumer application channels were opened simultaneously, maximizing the shortening of the time from policy formulation to implementation; secondly, efficiently accepting the policies of relevant ministries to ensure that Chongqing's automobile replacement policy is implemented as soon as the detailed rules are introduced by the relevant ministries; third, orderly connection between the "old policy" and the "new policy", synchronously following the development and optimization adjustments of the application system during the policy formulation process to ensure efficient connection and orderly transition between the old and new policies. After the new policy was launched, our city's automobile sales experienced explosive growth. The average daily application volume for automobile replacement subsidies formulated independently by Chongqing exceeded 700 units. We responded to market demand in a timely manner and allocated 500 million yuan to subsidize automobile replacement. Secondly, we focus on the word "accurate" to scientifically and reasonably design subsidy policies. In terms of target setting, based on building a unified national market, consumers nationwide who scrap or transfer ownership of old vehicles and purchase new vehicles in Chongqing can apply for subsidies in our city to facilitate consumers as much as possible. In terms of standards setting, we further optimize policy design, changing the previous tiered subsidies for automobile replacement to 5% or 6% of the purchase price, calculated according to actual amounts, while following the guidance of the relevant ministries to specify the subsidy ceiling, effectively leveraging the role of subsidy funds and avoiding overlapping subsidy policies among provinces and cities to maintain a fair and orderly market environment. In terms of application setting, we adhere to the principle of simplicity, minimizing unnecessary documentation from consumers, optimizing and shortening the approval process for funds, speeding up the disbursement of funds, and focusing on improving the consumer experience. Third, we highlight the word "integration" and vigorously implement through multi-party coordination. In terms of subsidy review, departments such as commerce, public security, and taxation work together to improve efficiency. In terms of policy promotion, multiple platforms and channels work together to ensure widespread awareness of the policy. In terms of event organization, we adhere to collaboration between urban, district, county, government-enterprise, and banking sectors, engaging in various forms and levels of activities such as connecting with major automobile consumers, promoting automobile consumption weeks, promoting new energy vehicles in rural areas, and combining discounts from merchants. Next, Chongqing will continue to focus on automobile scrapping and replacement as a key supported area in this round of consumer replacement, especially contributing to national energy conservation and carbon reduction with the promotion of intelligent and connected new energy vehicles. We hope that consumers will continue to pay attention and actively participate. Thank you! China News Agency reporter: How is the progress of the consumer replacement work going, and what results have been achieved? Geng Hongzhou: Thank you for your question. Since the beginning of this year, the Ministry of Commerce has thoroughly implemented the decisions and arrangements of the Party Central Committee and the State Council, along with relevant departments, issued policy documents such as the "Consumer Replacement Action Plan" and the "Subsidy Implementation Rules for Automobile Replacement" to push for the replacement of cars with "new energy," home appliances with "smart energy," and home improvements in the kitchen and bathroom. We adhere to the collaboration between central finances and local governments to provide direct subsidies to consumers for car scrapping and renewal. Especially since July, following the decision-making arrangements of the Party Central Committee and the State Council to intensify support for consumer product replacement, the Ministry of Commerce, along with relevant departments, has focused on automobiles, home appliances, home improvements in the kitchen and bathroom, and electric bicycles, issuing a series of policy documents and guiding localities to independently carry out replacement work. Specifically: First, central and local authorities have jointly issued supporting documents to ensure operational feasibility and implementation of policies. The Ministry of Commerce, along with relevant departments, issued a notification to further improve the replacement of old cars, significantly increasing the subsidy standards for replacing and updating scrapped cars, optimizing the process of applying for subsidies and conducting audits, and guiding localities to formulate reasonable policies for replacing old cars. Documents have been issued to further improve policies on replacing old home appliances, renovating home kitchens and bathrooms, and replacing electric bicycles, guiding local areas to independently and orderly carry out related work. At the same time, localities are actively and flexibly formulating local subsidy policies to improve supporting measures and ensure policies are quickly implemented and effective. Second, Wuxi Online Offline Communication Information Technology Co., Ltd. has strengthened publicity efforts to make the policy widely known and deeply rooted. By producing consumer replacement propaganda manuals, short videos, posters, and other materials in a simple and entertaining manner, we promote the "five entries" approach: entering communities, enterprises, platforms, institutions, and exhibitions. We continue to interpret relevant policies through government websites, media platforms, press conferences, etc., summarizing and promoting good experiences and practices at the departmental and local levels. At the same time, we innovatively promote activities, relying on local brand promotion events and key industry exhibitions to organize various demand-supply activities, continuously enhancing the depth, breadth, and popularity of the replacement propaganda, making the preferential policies widely known. Third, we are building and improving information service platforms to promote efficient and convenient consumer replacement. In terms of automobiles, the Ministry of Commerce, along with relevant departments, continues to enhance the functionality of the national automobile replacement information platform, providing more convenience for the public to submit applications for automobile scrapping subsidies, and facilitating audits and disbursements by local authorities, improving the quality of "efficient completion of tasks." At the same time, several localities have already developed or are developing automobile replacement information platforms. In terms of home appliances, various localities have developed information platforms for consumer replacement, providing strong support for orderly implementation of home appliance replacement subsidy work. After the release of relevant support policies, we continue to strengthen guidance and supervision of local work, closely monitor progress, conduct on-site inspections and research, promptly identify and coordinate solutions to problems and difficulties encountered, solicit opinions and suggestions widely. Nationwide, the trend of consumer replacement is growing. As an example of car replacement, here are some statistics to share with you. As of midnight today (September 25th), the national automobile replacement information platform has received over 1.13 million applications for automobile scrapping and renewal subsidies, and the number of registered users on the platform has exceeded 1.68 million.Long-term trend. From January to August this year, the national retail sales of passenger vehicles reached 13.472 million units, an increase of 1.9% year-on-year. Among them, the retail sales of new energy passenger vehicles increased by 35.3% year-on-year, accounting for 44.7% of the total retail sales of passenger vehicles. The policy of trading in old cars for new ones has also helped to make the peak season for car consumption in September and October even hotter, promoting rapid growth in related industries. According to statistics from relevant associations, in the first three weeks of September, the national retail sales of passenger vehicles reached 1.243 million units, an increase of 10% compared to the same period last year, and a 10% increase compared to the first three weeks of August; among them, the retail sales of new energy passenger vehicles reached 664,000 units, an increase of 47% year-on-year and 7% compared to the first three weeks of August. Data from the Ministry of Commerce shows that from January to August, the amount of scrapped cars recycled in China increased by 42.4% compared to the same period last year, especially in May, June, July, and August after the implementation of the scrapped car subsidy policy, the year-on-year growth rates were 55.6%, 72.9%, 93.7%, and 73.8% respectively. Under the new policy of Guangdong province, a series of practical measures have been taken, including creating the "Guangdong New" brand and establishing the "Guangdong New" public service platform. One important aspect of this is the key promotion of the replacement of old consumer goods with new ones. App process, Improve consumer experience and sense of residents' quality of life. The exchange of old products for new ones not only reduces the cost of purchasing consumer goods through government subsidies, financial services, and discounts from businesses, but also encourages residents to replace old, inefficient products with high-quality, environmentally friendly ones. This helps stimulate potential consumer demand, promote consumption growth, enhance economic momentum, and better leverage Guangdong's role as a leading economic province. Second, it further promotes industrial transformation and upgrading. The policy of exchanging old products for new ones encourages enterprises to increase their investment in technological innovation and product development, driving industries towards higher-end, intelligent, and eco-friendly directions. This helps improve the quality of "Made in Guangdong" products, enhance the influence and competitiveness of Guangdong brands. Third, it further enhances the quality of life for residents. By renewing homes and making them more age-friendly, the policy effectively improves residents' quality of life and promotes sustainable consumption in line with the principles of green economy and circular economy. In summary, the policy of exchanging old products for new ones in Guangdong not only provides support for economic recovery and prosperity, but also accelerates industrial transformation and upgrading, and improves the quality of life for residents. We believe that through careful implementation, it will play an important role in promoting high-quality economic development in Guangdong.CK residential quality and living environment, through household appliances, electric bicycles, and other trade-ins, promote the entry of safe, environmentally friendly, and intelligent high-quality products into residents' lives, more widely popularize green living methods, better meet the growing demand of the people for a better life.Thank you. Chongqing Daily Reporter: The scope of the old-for-new home appliance policy this time is wide and the amount of funds involved is large, making supervision difficult. I would like to ask, what innovative explorations has Chongqing made during the policy implementation process to strengthen the supervision of policy funds and ensure the safe use of funds? Gao Jian: Home appliances have many categories and low unit prices, making supervision difficult. In order to ensure that every cent of the national subsidy funds is used by consumers, we focus on blocking policy implementation loopholes and preventing fund use risks. We set "convenience, efficiency, and safety" as our work goals and have initially constructed a "12345" work supervision system. "1" is to establish a supervisory platform. By openly soliciting from the public, we have determined a third-party organization to develop and build a service platform, input subsidy product models and categories, connect all participating businesses and stores, achieve full coverage and chain monitoring of policy implementation, predict and warn of data anomalies, and use information technology to improve the quality and efficiency of supervision. "2" is to implement dual-end management of people and goods. Relying on the service platform and the national home appliance old-for-new policy platform, we promote convenient application for consumer subsidy eligibility and "one-click verification," manage consumer home appliance subsidy application targets, and develop and utilize the "Home Appliance Product Serial Number Management System," which uses digital technology to unify order numbers, invoice numbers, logistics trajectories, and product serial numbers for subsidized home appliances, ensuring closed-loop management of people and goods and preventing false transactions and duplicate transactions. "3" is to solidify the responsibilities of the three parties. We hold enterprises accountable, requiring participating home appliance brand and distribution enterprises to voluntarily make commitments to honest operation, and imposing penalties for false transactions and misappropriation of subsidy funds. We also hold counties accountable, requiring each district to conduct initial reviews of subsidies to ensure that policy implementation responsibilities are assigned and tasks are carried out. At the municipal level, departments such as commerce, development and reform, and finance jointly formulate detailed rules for fund management and subsidy policy operation, specifying detailed regulations for subsidy fund application, review, disbursement, and accountability for violations. "4" is to strengthen four-level audits. By implementing a "self-audit for key enterprises, full coverage audit by districts and counties, random audits by policy execution units, and review by municipal fund supervision teams," we have implemented layered checks on the funding disbursement of the home appliance old-for-new subsidy policy to build a four-level "firewall." "5" is to implement five-party coordinated supervision. Firstly, we urge home appliance brand enterprises to establish internal constraints and strengthen control over supply chain distribution systems. Secondly, we urge counties to organize townships to conduct spot checks and inspections to implement local supervision. Thirdly, we fully utilize the market supervision and public security departments, formulate special supervision plans, and crack down on illegal activities such as price hikes, intentional hoarding, and fraudulent misappropriation of subsidy funds. Fourthly, we coordinate with disciplinary and supervisory departments to track and supervise the implementation of policies, moving the checkpoint of integrity supervision forward. Fifthly, we strengthen social supervision by publishing reporting hotlines in the media and business premises, encouraging residents to report illegal activities. Next, Chongqing will continue to take effective measures to ensure the standardized and safe use of subsidy funds, efficiently and conveniently, ensuring that every penny is used by consumers to purchase high-energy efficiency and high-water efficiency household appliances. Thank you! China Economic System Reform Magazine Reporter: In the document "Measures to Further Support Large-scale Equipment Updates and Consumer Old-for-New Measures," it is proposed that the unspent funding amounts as of December 31, 2024, will be returned to the central government. There are only over 3 months left until this time point. How will you increase the utilization of funds for consumer old-for-new products and further enhance the efficiency of fund utilization to stimulate consumption? Wen Hua: Thank you for your question. I will address the last question. The requirement that the long-term special national bond funds issued to localities be used by the end of the year is both a constraint and an incentive. On one hand, this emphasizes the timeliness of policy implementation, reminding us to enhance our sense of urgency, seize the time window, accelerate progress, and push forward with greater speed. At the same time, it also places higher demands on the quality of policy implementation, requiring us to channel more "real money" directly to consumers, effectively promote investment and consumption, and maximize the efficiency of fund utilization. Moving forward, we will focus on making full and effective use of policies, intensify implementation efforts, and strive for "four enhancements." Firstly, enhance supervision and guidance. We will continue to strengthen work scheduling, especially for areas where progress is relatively lagging, to urge and guide localities to accelerate progress, address issues promptly, improve supporting measures, optimize specific operational processes, facilitate comprehensive implementation of policies for updating and renewing in related fields, and focus on expediting the review process and improving service quality, clearing the "last mile" for subsidy disbursement and delivering real benefits to consumers as soon as possible. Secondly, strengthen fund supervision. The National Development and Reform Commission has formulated the Management Measures for the Management of Long-Term Special National Bonds supporting the "two news," specifying full-chain management regulations to ensure that funds are truly used for the "two news" work and to prevent fund stagnation, misappropriation, and diversion. Strengthening supervision is not about constraining localities but ensuring that fund use aligns with the intended direction, ensuring that work stays on track and on target, and maximizing the impact. Thirdly, strengthen evaluation and effectiveness. We will organize relevant departments and localities to conduct timely self-assessments and checks on progress, fund utilization, project implementation, etc. and, in collaboration with the Ministry of Finance, conduct performance evaluations as important references for optimizing subsequent fund arrangements and other policies, further motivating regions with rapid progress, high management standards, and good implementation results. Fourthly, strengthen publicity and guidance. The old-for-new policy for consumer goods benefits thousands of households. Together with various localities and relevant departments, we will continue to innovate methods, diversify channels, provide policy interpretations, actively respond to social concerns, help more businesses and people understand, implement, and benefit from the policy. We will also summarize and promote advanced experiences and exemplary practices in due course. We sincerely hope that media reporters and friends will pay more attention, report more, and support the old-for-new work for consumer goods to jointly create a good social atmosphere. That's all for my response. Thank you. Zheng Lurong: Thank you to all 6 speakers! Due to time constraints, today's press conference ends here. If you have any further questions or concerns, please contact the press office. Thank you! The article is from ChinaNet, edited by GMTEight: Chen Wenfang."Je m'appelle Marie et j'ai 25 ans." "I am Marie and I am 25 years old."
