A-share evening hotspots | The Central Committee of the Communist Party of China and the State Council issued a document! It concerns high-quality and full employment.

GMT Eight
The following is the main content of the evening news: 1. The Central Committee of the Communist Party of China and the State Council issued a document! It is related to high-quality and full employment Importance: On September 25th, the "Opinions of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China and the State Council on Implementing the Employment Priority Strategy to Promote High-Quality and Full Employment" was released. The "Opinions" deploy 24 measures such as strengthening the employment priority orientation of macroeconomic regulation, enhancing the synergy of the modern industrial system for employment, supporting various types of entities in stabilizing and expanding employment, improving the employment carrying capacity of regional coordinated development, fostering new dynamics for employment expansion and upgrading, improving the match between education supply and talent demand, improving the lifelong vocational skills training system, expanding the development channels for skilled talents, and expanding the channels for employment and success of college graduates and other young people. The key points are as follows: 1. Make high-quality and full employment a priority goal of economic and social development and incorporate it into national economic and social development plans. 2. Support various types of entities in stabilizing and expanding employment. Play the leading role of state-owned enterprises in employment, and guide all types of entities to better fulfill their social responsibilities for stabilizing and expanding employment. 3. Expand the enrollment scale of majors in science, engineering, agriculture, and medicine, optimize adjustments to subject specializations based on social needs, industry demands, and occupational development. 4. Actively respond to the impact of rapid development of emerging technologies such as artificial intelligence on employment. 5. Promote reasonable growth in labor compensation. Improve the initial distribution mechanism of factors such as labor, knowledge, and technology according to contribution and participation, and increase the proportion of labor compensation in the initial distribution. 6. Support the healthy development of flexible employment, build regional and industry-specific gig job markets, and functional and convenient gig job stations. 7. Encourage youth to engage in key areas, key industries, urban and rural grassroots, and SME employment and entrepreneurship. More measures can be found here. 2. US publishes rules restricting Chinese networked car software and hardware, China responds. Importance: A spokesperson for the Ministry of Commerce responded to questions about the US's publication of rules restricting Chinese networked car software, hardware, and whole car-related rules. In recent years, the US has imposed high tariffs on Chinese cars, restricted participation in government procurement, and introduced discriminatory subsidy policies. Now, citing national security concerns, it has slandered the safety of Chinese networked car software, hardware, and vehicles and restricted their use in the US. The US's actions are groundless, violate the principles of the market economy and fair competition, are a typical act of protectionism, severely affect normal cooperation between China and the US in the field of networked cars, disrupt and distort the global automotive industry supply chain, and also harm the interests of American consumers. The US's actions also constitute economic coercion by using government power to interfere with commercial and economic cooperation between enterprises. China urges the US to stop the mistaken practice of generalizing national security, immediately revoke the relevant restrictive measures, and stop the unjust suppression of Chinese companies. China will take necessary measures to resolutely defend the legitimate rights and interests of Chinese companies. 3. Shanghai allocates 500 million yuan to issue consumer vouchers covering catering, accommodation, movies, and sports. Importance: The Shanghai municipal government recently reviewed and approved the "Our City's Service Consumer Voucher Issuance Plan," which decided to issue the "Joy Shanghai" service consumer vouchers for the catering, accommodation, movies, and sports sectors. In this round of service consumer vouchers, 500 million yuan of municipal finance funds will be allocated, with the voucher funds distributed as follows: 360 million yuan for catering, 90 million yuan for accommodation, 30 million yuan for movies, and 20 million yuan for sports. It is reported that this round of service consumer vouchers will be named "Joy Shanghai" series, with the names of the four types of vouchers being "Joyful Shanghai" catering vouchers, "Joyful Shanghai" accommodation vouchers, "Joyful Shanghai" movie vouchers, and "Joyful Shanghai" sports vouchers. This naming design reflects the insignia of Shanghai, conforms to the current trend of experiential consumption, and elaborates on the theme of "happy consumption." 4. Foreign capital rushing into A shares! Goldman Sachs client conference calls overwhelmed Importance: There were rumors in the market on September 24th that foreign capital was rushing into A shares. A foreign research institution told a reporter from Caixin that overseas markets are not short of money, and compared to before, when foreign capital was more inclined towards Chinese bonds, after the three major regulators introduced loose policies, overseas funds have begun to have a positive attitude towards A shares. "However, they may not buy it on that day, but they will definitely actively seek to understand and observe the implementation of the subsequent policies." As the above-mentioned analyst said, overseas clients' interest in Chinese assets has significantly increased. Reports from Wall Street indicate that conference calls for Goldman Sachs clients were overwhelmed, with the number of attendees reaching the maximum, and clients showed great interest in Chinese assets. 5. Concerns arise again over the short position in CITIC Futures accounts; CITIC Futures responded: all are client transactions, no proprietary business. Importance: The short position data of CITIC Futures accounts has attracted attention again. There is news that "CITIC Futures bought 7,166 net short positions on the 25th, and the total net short positions of CITIC Futures is -85,634." In response to this, there is a misconception that CITIC Futures is shorting the market, and this kind of misunderstanding is not the first. CITIC Securities responded to such questions on June 21st on the Shanghai Stock Exchange's interactive platform, saying that as a wholly-owned subsidiary of CITIC Securities, CITIC Futures engages in futures brokerage business (agency business) and does not engage in proprietary business. Therefore, the trading volume and open interest of CITIC Futures, whether long or short, are all client transactions. Due to the large number of clients, the trading volume and open interest of the client transactions are consistently among the top, and all trades and open interest are client transactions. 6. Rules for offline IPO placement will be revised, with the latest clarification on 5 scenarios included in the watch list. Importance: The China Securities Association has revised the "Guidelines for the Classification, Evaluation, and Management of Investors in the Primary Public Offering of Securities for Offline Investors" and the "Applicability Opinion No. 7 of Self-regulation Rules Concerning the Regulations on the Classification, Evaluation, and Management of Investors in the Primary Public Offering of Securities for Offline Investors." It is soliciting opinions from securities firms and offline investors to make adjustments for significant deviations in bid consistency. The revised draft shows that if the following abnormal situations occur for offline investors in the first offering of securities, the association may include them in the watch list of offline investors: - Significant deviation in bid deviation during a monitoring period; - Significant consistency in bid prices with other investors during the monitoring period; - Bid prices exceed the recommended price range based on the pricing basis during the monitoring period.The number of projects with inquiries reaching three or more, or the number of projects with suggestions prices not matching the pricing basis reaching three or more.During a monitoring period, if the number of projects that modify their quotes after quoting reaches three or more, or if the same project changes its price three times or more, inappropriate behavior in participating in the inquiry and allocation process may lead to negative public opinion attention, causing adverse effects on the offline issuance order. In addition to public opinion attention, the China Securities Regulatory Commission will monitor the pricing behavior of offline investors over a monitoring period of three months from the preliminary inquiry date. In addition, the following news is also worth paying attention to: 7. The Ministry of Civil Affairs and the Ministry of Finance deploy one-time living allowances for difficult populations. 8. Tang Shuangning, the former chairman of Everbright Group, stands trial for accepting more than 11 million yuan in bribes. 9. A company in Jilin prohibits employees from bringing Apple devices, and those who violate this rule will be dismissed, advocating the use of Huawei devices and providing subsidies. Market Watch: 1. U.S. stock market indices show mixed movements with popular Chinese concept stocks generally declining. 2. The Bank of Sweden lowered interest rates as scheduled by 25 basis points and left the door open for a possible further 50 basis point cut. 3. The U.S. faces a supply chain crisis as dockworkers threaten strikes due to pay disputes. 4. Analysts are divided on whether the Japanese yen will continue to appreciate or experience significant depreciation due to uncertainties in Japan's political and monetary policy situations. Investment Opportunities: 1. Huawei's Mate 70 series is expected to be launched with the HarmonyOS operating system, attracting attention in the market.p.,Ltd, Urovo Technology, ArcherMind Technology (Nanjing) Co., Ltd., Zhentong Electronics, Gstarsoft Co., Ltd., Shenzhen Neoway Technology, Skyworth Digital, Yarward Electronics, LDNS, Jiangsu Yunyong Electronics And Technology Co., Ltd.Direct or indirect benefit from the large volume of Hongmeng terminals: Genimous Technology, Fengzhushou, etc. In addition, the following sectors are also worth paying attention to: 2. Gold | Witness history! Gold jewelry prices have risen to 778 yuan/gram. 3. Consumer goods | Shanghai invests 500 million yuan to issue consumer vouchers, covering catering, accommodation, movies, sports fields. In terms of positive announcements, Self-selected Brother Ferrotec suggests attention to the acquisition of semiconductor industry-related assets, while in negative announcements, Shenzhen Infogem Technologies warns of risks with 5 days of 4 boards. Positive announcements 1. Ferrotec: is planning to acquire semiconductor industry-related assets, stock will be suspended from tomorrow 2. Nexchip Semiconductor Corporation: plans to introduce external investors to increase the capital of its wholly-owned subsidiary by 9.55 billion yuan 3. Chengdu Qinchuan Iot Technology Co., Ltd.: plans to acquire 60% of the shares of Chengdu Paiwote Technology Co., Ltd. 4. China State Construction Engineering Corporation: won a total of 14.97 billion yuan major projects 5. Jiangsu Yawei Machine Tool: plans to repurchase shares from 50 million to 70 million yuan 6. Huada Automotive Technology Corp., Ltd: newly obtained 17 fixed-point customer projects, with a total estimated amount of 3.741 billion yuan Negative announcements 1. 5 days 4 boards Shenzhen Infogem Technologies: the stock price has risen sharply in the short term, there may be irrational speculation and other situations 2. 3 consecutive boards Cashway Fintech: the company has performance loss risks 3. 4 days 3 boards Anhui Xinli Finance: Anhui Conch Cement plans to reduce its shareholding in the company by no more than 5.1272 million shares 4. 2 consecutive boards SGSG Science & Technology: There is uncertainty as to whether Zibo Guotou can obtain the approval document issued by the competent authority for the approval of state-owned assets supervision and administration 5. 2 consecutive boards Global Top E-Commerce: There is significant uncertainty as to whether the company has entered into pre-restructuring and restructuring procedures 6. Guangdong Vtr Bio-Tech: The controlling shareholder plans to reduce its shareholding of no more than 2% in the company This article is selected from "Tencent Self-Selected Stocks", GMTEight Editor: Xu Ran

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