WAN LEADER (08482) appoints Yan Ximao as authorized representative.

GMT Eight
WAN LEADER (08482) announced that following the postponed Annual General Meeting of Shareholders held by Zhang Songfei on September 23, 2024, Zhang Songfei has resigned as an executive director of the company. Zhang Songfei will also no longer serve as the company's compliance officer and authorized representative. In addition, Yan Ximao has been appointed as the authorized representative to fill the vacancy left by Zhang Songfei's resignation, effective from September 24, 2024. After Zhang Songfei's resignation, and in accordance with the revised GEM Listing Rules (effective from January 1, 2024), the company is no longer required to appoint a compliance officer in accordance with the GEM Listing Rules. Therefore, the board of directors has decided to abolish the position of compliance officer, effective from September 23, 2024.

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