HUABANG TECH (03638): Mao Shuguang and Liang Weikun were elected as independent non-executive directors.

GMT Eight
HUABANG TECH (03638) announced that Mr. Li Huaqiang and Mr. Zhu Shouzhong have retired from their positions as independent non-executive directors at the end of the shareholders' annual meeting. As a result, Mr. Li will no longer serve as a member of the company's audit committee, nomination committee, remuneration committee, and corporate governance committee, while Mr. Zhu will no longer serve as a member of the audit committee. Mr. Mao Shuguang and Mr. Liang Weikun have each been elected as independent non-executive directors by the shareholders. In addition, Mr. Mao has been appointed as a member of the company's audit committee, while Mr. Liang has been appointed as a member of the audit committee, remuneration committee, nomination committee, and corporate governance committee. Furthermore, all conditions for the share consolidation have been met, and the share consolidation will take effect on September 26, 2024.
