Canalys: PC shipments in the United States reached 18.9 million units in the second quarter, with strong demand for laptops driving a year-on-year growth of over 5%.

GMT Eight
Canalys data shows that in the second quarter of 2024, the shipment of PCs (excluding tablets) in the United States increased by 4% year-on-year, reaching 18.9 million units. Demand for laptops is particularly strong, with an annual growth rate of over 5%. Following a stable development in the first half of 2024, the PC market will accelerate its growth. It is expected that the total shipment of PCs in the United States will increase by 6% in 2024, reaching nearly 70 million units, and will increase by another 6% in 2025, reaching 74 million units. Canalys analyst Greg Davis said, "Commercial demand will be strongest before the official end of Windows 10 service, and there are already signs of a positive rebound. With increasing IT spending, the upgrade of PCs in large enterprises is progressing smoothly, with a 12% increase in shipments in the second quarter of 2024. Although the growth in the consumer market and small and medium-sized enterprises is smaller, both of these segments achieved 3% and 6% growth respectively in this quarter. Canalys predicts that the US PC market will continue to be strong in 2024 and 2025, with a growth rate of 6%. "Davis continued, "In the first half of 2024, the US macroeconomy remained stable, leading to increased spending by businesses in the second quarter. Looking ahead, the Fed rate cut in the third quarter will support increased spending by businesses in the future. In the second half of 2024, there may be growth in the consumer market due to significant discounts and promotional activities during the holiday season. The United States will be at the forefront in AI PC adoption, which will bring more momentum to PC upgrades. Starting from the second half of 2024, the development of processor manufacturers and OEMs will increase the availability of AI PCs in more product categories and price points.
