CSPC Innovation Pharmaceutical (300765.SZ): Elected company director and general manager Yao Bing as chairman.

GMT Eight
CSPC Innovation Pharmaceutical (300765.SZ) announced that the Board of Directors has received the written resignation reports from the Chairman of the Board, Pan Weidong, and the Director, Yang Dong. The company held the 18th meeting of the 6th Board of Directors on September 23, 2024, and approved the proposal for the supplementary election of the Chairman of the 6th Board of Directors. In accordance with the relevant provisions of the Company Law, the Shenzhen Stock Exchange Listing Rules for Listed Companies on the GEM, normative documents, and the Company's Articles of Association, and considering the actual situation of the company, it was agreed to elect the company's Director and General Manager, Yao Bing, as the Chairman of the 6th Board of Directors, with a term from the date of approval of this Board meeting to the expiration of the term of the 6th Board of Directors.

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