SINOHOPE TECH (01611) jointly invested 1.72 million US dollars to subscribe to fund equity.

GMT Eight
SINOHOPE TECH(01611) announced that on September 23, 2024, the subscriber (a direct wholly-owned subsidiary of the company) entered into a Smart Beta Subscription Agreement. Under this agreement, the subscriber agreed to subscribe for approximately 1,120 shares of Smart Beta Class A shares, with a total cash subscription amount of $1.12 million (approximately HK$8.736 million); and a Delta Neutral Subscription Agreement, under which the subscriber agreed to subscribe for approximately 600 shares of Delta Neutral Class A shares, with a total cash subscription amount of $600,000 (approximately HK$4.68 million). Following the signing of the Smart Beta Subscription Agreement and Delta Neutral Subscription Agreement on the same day, the Smart Beta independent investment portfolio entered into a ChainUp Smart Subscription Agreement. Under this agreement, the Smart Beta independent investment portfolio agreed to subscribe for approximately 1,120 shares of ChainUp Smart Class A shares, with a total cash subscription amount of $1.12 million; and the Delta Neutral independent investment portfolio entered into a ChainUp Delta Subscription Agreement. Under this agreement, the Delta Neutral independent investment portfolio agreed to subscribe for approximately 600 shares of ChainUp Delta Class A shares, with a total cash subscription amount of $600,000 (approximately HK$4.68 million). The Smart Beta independent investment portfolio will use the subscription funds received from the subscriber to pay for the subscription of ChainUp Smart Class A shares. The Delta Neutral independent investment portfolio will use the subscription funds received from the subscriber to pay for the subscription of ChainUp Delta Class A shares.
