Korea Electric Power Corporation Sponsored ADR (KEP.US) stock price hit its largest single-day drop in a year! Not raising electricity prices exacerbates financial pressure.

GMT Eight
Korea Electric Power Corporation Sponsored ADR (KEP.US) saw its stock price in Seoul, South Korea drop by the largest percentage since the beginning of last year. The company had not raised electricity prices prior to this, which may put it under greater financial pressure. Data shows that on Monday, Korea Electric Power Corporation Sponsored ADR's stock price in Seoul dropped by 8.9%, and if it closes at this rate, it will be the biggest single-day drop since January 2023. Korea Electric Power Corporation Sponsored ADR announced that it will freeze fuel adjustment prices in the quarter ending in December. These prices are part of consumer spending and depend on the cost of importing natural gas and coal. Despite the rising costs of coal and natural gas imports, Korea Electric Power Corporation Sponsored ADR did not significantly raise electricity prices due to the South Korean government's decision to protect consumers from the impact of rising living costs, leading the company to record a record operating loss in 2022. The decision by Korea Electric Power Corporation Sponsored ADR not to raise electricity prices contradicts previous statements made by its CEO Kim Dong-cheol emphasizing the necessity of normalizing electricity prices in South Korea. So far this year, Korea Electric Power Corporation Sponsored ADR has not raised electricity prices. Although the costs of importing coal and natural gas have slightly decreased since 2022, the South Korean government has not changed fuel adjustment prices. While this has provided some assistance to Korea Electric Power Corporation Sponsored ADR, the company needs to further raise electricity prices to make up for losses in the past few years. Otherwise, the company may be forced to implement restructuring measures including selling assets, which could jeopardize South Korea's efforts to decarbonize its electricity grid.

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