YUHUA EDU (06169): The unconverted convertible bond principal amount will be approximately HK $914 million.

GMT Eight
YUHUA EDU (06169) announced that, from the date of the company's announcement on January 20, 2023 of completing the redemption of the principal amount of HK$500 million convertible bonds, until September 20, 2024, it has repurchased approximately HK$601.316 million convertible bonds in accordance with the terms and conditions of the convertible bonds, for a total cash consideration of approximately HK$324.711 million, representing a purchase price of approximately 54% of the face value of the convertible bonds. The repurchased bonds account for approximately 2.88% of the originally issued convertible bonds. After the repayment of the repurchased bonds, the remaining principal amount of the convertible bonds that have not been converted will be approximately HK$914 million.

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