Shareholder Zhuhai Acoustics plans to reduce its shareholding by no more than 3% in Beijing Zhongkehaixun Digital S&T Co., Ltd. (300810.SZ).

GMT Eight
Beijing Zhongkehaixun Digital S&T Co., Ltd. (300810.SZ) announced that its shareholder Ningbo Meishan Bonded Port Area Zhihai Acoustics Enterprise Management Partnership Enterprise (Limited Partnership) (referred to as "Zhihai Acoustics") plans to reduce its holdings of the company's shares by a total of no more than 3,496,800 shares within 3 months after the date of this announcement, through centralized bidding or bulk trading, with a reduction ratio not exceeding 3% of the company's share capital excluding the repurchase dedicated account (If there are any share changes such as bonus shares or capital reserve capital increases during this period, the amount of reduction will be adjusted accordingly).
