Splurge on 16.4 billion yuan in large-scale investments, Guanghui Energy (600256.SH) plans to invest in the construction of the Yiwu Guanghui 15 million tons/year coal quality and grading utilization demonstration project.

GMT Eight
Guanghui Energy (600256.SH) has announced that the company plans to invest in the construction of the "Yiwu Guanghui 15 million tons/year coal quality and classification utilization demonstration project", with a total investment of 16.48 billion yuan. The project will be invested, built and operated by the company's wholly-owned subsidiary Xinjiang Guanghui New Materials Technology Co., Ltd. It is reported that the project will use advanced large-scale internal heat-type vertical furnace pyrolysis technology to qualitatively and categorically utilize low-rank coal in the Hami area of Xinjiang. The processing capacity of the raw coal input in the furnace will be 15 million tons/year, using a single furnace of 500,000 tons/year (raw coal input) of internal heat-type vertical furnace pyrolysis technology to annually produce 7.14 million tons of high-quality coal, 1.5 million tons of coal tar, 0.77660 million tons of LNG, 20,000 tons of fuel cell hydrogen gas (adjustable quantity), 500,000 tons of liquid carbon dioxide, etc., and plan to build downstream high-end chemicals, new materials, and other projects around the industrial chain extension. The project will use coal from the Naomao Lake mining area to pyrolyze low-rank coal and produce high-quality coal, coal tar, LNG, fuel cell hydrogen, carbon dioxide, crude phenol, fine coal, ammonia water, and ammonium sulfate. The company stated that the project will use advanced large vertical furnace pyrolysis technology to clean and efficiently utilize low-rank coal in the Naomao Lake area, and demonstrate the efficient utilization of enriched oil coal. In addition to producing high-quality coal, the project will process pyrolysis gas, obtain coal tar, and also produce LNG, fuel cell hydrogen, and other products, fully leveraging industrial resource advantages, coordinating the development of CCUS, hydrogen energy, and other projects, maximizing the extension of the product industry chain, increasing product added value and economic value, actively building a foundation for the company to transition from traditional coal chemical industry to modern coal chemical industry, modern coal chemical industry to new energy and hydrogen energy "dual coupling" development, continuously increasing industry competitiveness, providing a sustainable increase in Xiong'an New Power Technology for the company, and helping to ensure national energy security supply, with multiple benefits for the economy, society, and environment.

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