The Ministry of Industry and Information Technology issued the notice on the "Guidelines for Equipment Renewal and Technological Transformation in Key Industries".

GMT Eight
On September 20th, the General Office of the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology issued a notice on the "Guidelines for Equipment Renewal and Technological Transformation in Key Industrial Sectors." It pointed out that by 2027, the production efficiency, energy consumption, environmental protection level, and product quality of automobiles and their components should be further improved. For changes in vehicle production capacity, they must comply with industry policy requirements and follow relevant procedures. The original text is as follows: Notice from the General Office of the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology on the issuance of Guidelines for Equipment Renewal and Technological Transformation in Key Industrial Sectors MIIT Office Document [2024] No. 33 Departments in charge of industry and information technology of provinces, autonomous regions, municipalities directly under the Central Government, planned single-city districts, and the Xinjiang Production and Construction Corps, relevant central enterprises: In order to implement the decisions and arrangements of the Party Central Committee and the State Council, strengthen guidance on promoting equipment renewal and technological transformation in the industrial sector, and based on the "Large-scale Equipment Renewal and Consumer Goods Replacement Action Plan" and the "Implementation Plan for Promoting Equipment Renewal in the Industrial Sector," the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology has organized the compilation of the "Guidelines for Equipment Renewal and Technological Transformation in Key Industrial Sectors." It is now issued to you for implementation based on actual circumstances. General Office of the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology May 23, 2024 Guidelines for Equipment Renewal and Technological Transformation in Key Industrial Sectors ( Key Industries ) I. Petrochemical Industry (I) Equipment Renewal Objectives Focus on the main old devices in the fields of refining, coal chemical industry, chlor-alkali, soda ash, calcium carbide, phosphate fertilizer, tires, fine chemicals, etc., which have reached the design service life or have been in operation for more than 20 years, and promote the green, intelligent, and safe transformation of old devices, accelerate the renewal and transformation of old, inefficient, and high-risk equipment. By 2027, the proportion of mature digital transformation level 3 or above enterprises in the industry should reach more than 15%, level 4 or above enterprises should reach more than 7%, the CNC machining rate of key processes should reach more than 85%, the popularity rate of digital R&D design tools should reach more than 75%, the energy efficiency of the transformation device should reach the benchmark level of the "Industrial Key Energy Efficiency Benchmark Level and Base Level (2023 Edition)," and the level of inherent safety should be significantly improved. For changes in production capacity related to refining, ethylene, paraxylene (PX), methylene diphenyl diisocyanate (MDI), coal-to-olefins, caustic soda, soda ash, calcium carbide, phosphorus and ammonia, they should comply with industry policy requirements, and the unauthorized addition of production capacity is strictly prohibited. (II) Policy and Standard Basis The main policy and standard bases include but are not limited to: "Industrial Key Energy Efficiency Benchmark Level and Base Level (2023 Edition)," "Guidelines for Safety Risk Assessment of Old Equipment in Hazardous Chemical Production and Use Enterprises (Trial)," "Guidance Catalog for Industrial Structure Adjustment (2024 Edition)," "Digital Transformation Action Plan for Raw Material Industry (2024-2026)," and other policy documents. Energy consumption limit standards such as "GB21344-2015 Energy Consumption Limit for Synthetic Ammonia per Unit Product" and "GB21343-2023 Energy Consumption Limit for Calcium Carbide, Vinyl Acetate, Polyvinyl Alcohol, 1,4-Butanediol, Melamine, and Urea per Unit Product," key industry industrial pollutant emission standards, such as "GB 13458-2013 Synthetic Ammonia Industry Water Pollutant Emission Standard" and "GB41618-2022 Lime, Calcium Carbide Industry Air Pollutant Emission Standard," as well as industry digital transformation guidelines such as "GB/T39116-2020 Intelligent Manufacturing Capability Maturity Assessment Model" and "Digital Transformation Maturity Model and Evaluation Standards for Petrochemical and Chemical Industry" etc. (III) Key Directions 1. Energy-saving, pollution reduction, carbon reduction, and transformation. Use efficient catalysis, biocatalysis, hypergravity reaction, membrane electrode membrane electrolysis, semi-water method production of phosphoric acid, and other efficiency-improving technologies, closed-loop cooling water system, heat integration distillation, optimized heat exchange network system, semi-waste pot process, etc. for energy-saving technologies, direct oxidation method of epichlorohydrin, mercury-free catalyst production of polyvinyl chloride, resource utilization, and other clean production technologies for upgrading and upgrading, updating inefficient equipment and instruments such as fixed-bed gasifiers, small calcium carbide furnaces (<25000KVA), inefficient motors, open reactors (vats) for fine chemicals. 2. Intelligent transformation. Focus on optimizing production planning and process in the refining field, improving safety control, energy balance, and cost refinement management in coal chemical industry, enhancing process stability in the chlor-alkali field, improving labor productivity and accelerating service transformation in the tire field, and enhancing quality stability and safety and environmental protection levels in the field of fine chemicals and new chemical materials, promote enterprises to fill and upgrade in key areas such as production control, energy management, safety and environmental protection, intelligent equipment and systems, and critical software entities. Conduct main equipment condition monitoring and predictive maintenance of cracking furnaces, compressors, etc., build "Industrial Internet + Hazardous Chemical Safety Production" system, apply intelligent vertical warehousing and intelligent loading and unloading by Siasun Robot&Automation, intelligent safety emergency equipment. 3. Enhancing the level of inherent safety. Focus on the use of low-risk process technologies such as liquid-phase hydrogenation, continuous, micro-reaction, etc., accelerate the renewal of old reactors (vats), distillation towers, compressors, pumps, heat exchangers, storage tanks, and other equipment and instruments. 4. Upgrading and transforming industrial operating systems. Comprehensively promote the upgrading and replacement of distributed control systems (DCS), data acquisition and monitoring control systems (SCADA), and systematically promote programmable logic controllers (PLC), embedded software upgrading and replacement in production lines, pumps, valves, and other production equipment. Accelerate the upgrading and upgrading of safety instrument systems (SIS) for non-critical processes and non-core scenarios, gradually open up key processes and core application scenarios. For other special industrial operating system products in the petrochemical industry such as remote terminal units (RTUs), follow the principle of "fully promote the upgrading and replacement of mature and available products, gradually increase the range and scale of upgrading and replacement of basic available products". 5. Upgrading and transforming industrial software. Fully promote Laboratory Information Management System (LIMS), Manufacturing Execution System (MES), Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP), Enterprise Asset Management.Integrated operations support (OTS), equipment maintenance, repair, and overhaul (MRO), and real-time database updates and replacements are being accelerated. For preliminary mature software such as petrochemical three-dimensional plant design software, basic physical property database software, process simulation, online real-time optimization (RTO), advanced process control (APC), etc., pilot verification is being carried out, with a priority on selecting non-critical processes and non-important application scenarios for updates and replacements, gradually opening up key processes and core application scenarios.II. Iron and Steel Industry (1) Equipment Update Goals Focus on upgrading and renovating equipment in processes such as iron ore mining and selection, ferroalloy smelting, coking, sintering, pelletizing, ironmaking, steelmaking, and rolling, and prioritize the upgrading and renovation of limiting equipment and outdated equipment. Promote the large-scale, intelligent, and green transformation of main equipment, implement ultra-low emission and energy efficiency improvements in the steel industry, and promote the application of advanced processes, smart equipment, and digital technology. By 2027, the level of technology and equipment will reach new heights, with over 80% of steel production capacity completing ultra-low emission transformation, over 30% of steel production capacity reaching energy efficiency benchmark levels, and the CNC rate of key processes reaching 80%. For equipment and capacity changes related to pig iron and crude steel smelting, capacity replacement policies must be implemented according to regulations. (2) Policy and Standard Basis The main policies and standards include, but are not limited to: "Guiding Opinions on Promoting the High-Quality Development of the Iron and Steel Industry," "Implementation Measures for Capacity Replacement in the Iron and Steel Industry," "Guidance Catalog for Industrial Structure Adjustment (2024 Edition)," "Opinions on Promoting the Implementation of Ultra-Low Emission in the Iron and Steel Industry," "Opinions on Promoting the Implementation of Ultra-Low Emission in the Coking Industry," "Several Opinions on Strict Energy Efficiency Constraints to Promote Energy Saving and Carbon Reduction in Key Areas," "Digital Transformation Work Plan for the Raw Material Industry (2024-2026)," "Energy Efficiency Benchmark Levels and Baseline Levels for Industrial Key Areas (2023 Edition)," "Steel Industry Stable Growth Plan," "Digital Transformation Maturity Model and Assessment Standards," etc. (3) Key Directions 1. Upgrading and renovating iron ore mining. Focus on the construction of green and intelligent mines, promote the upgrading and renovation of mining equipment such as mine disaster early warning and control equipment, integrated mining equipment, rail-less transportation equipment, crushing equipment, as well as beneficiation equipment such as autogenous mills, ball mills, magnetic separators, and filter presses; promote the construction of mining production decision-making and control integrated platforms, support the upgrading of intelligent inspection, sampling, online detection instruments, intelligent logistics systems, etc. 2. Pollution reduction and carbon reduction transformation. Accelerate the implementation of the opinions on promoting ultra-low emission in the iron and steel industry and the coking industry, promote ultra-low emission transformation in the steel and coking industries, and encourage companies to implement environmental performance grade A transformations. Promote energy efficiency improvements, focus on the optimization of the iron-steel-rolling interface, high-temperature high-pressure dry quenching, vertical cooling of sintered ore, and integrated treatment of sintering flue gas, efficient recovery and utilization of electric arc furnace waste heat, metallurgical slag sensible heat, medium and low-temperature waste heat and energy, efficient recovery and utilization of metallurgical slag, comprehensive treatment of wastewater resources, and cascade utilization of water resources and other deep energy-saving technology applications and equipment upgrading. Support low-carbon technology upgrades such as hydrogen metallurgy, near-zero carbon emission electric furnace process, steel almost finished product manufacturing, CO2 capture and resource utilization, and promote pilot verification and industrial application. 3. Digital transformation. Promote companies to improve software and hardware infrastructure in automation, data collection, process control, network architecture, etc., install smart equipment such as sensors, instruments, unmanned transport vehicles, etc., introduce industrial Siasun Robot & Automation for temperature measurement, sampling, slag removal, pickling, inspection, lifting, etc., promote centralized controls in mining selection, ironmaking, steelmaking, rolling, remote equipment monitoring, diagnostic, operation and maintenance, online sales, and procurement; improve network infrastructure, expand coverage of 5G, Wi-Fi 6, industrial Ethernet in steel enterprises; carry out advanced digital application transformations, smart manufacturing factory construction, and promotion of excellent application scenarios, and support the establishment of key common technology innovation platforms for the digital transformation of the steel industry. 4. Process equipment upgrading and renovation. Encourage companies to accelerate the large-scale, intelligent, and green upgrading of restricted equipment such as manganese ferroalloy blast furnaces, ore thermal furnaces, blast furnaces, converters, electric furnaces, kneading and baking furnaces, bell-type and top-charging coke ovens, sintering machines, as well as the renovation of old equipment at the end of their service life. Accelerate the phase-out of step grate sintering machines, vertical shaft pelletizing furnaces, and other obsolete equipment with low efficiency, high energy consumption, and high pollution in the steel industry. Promote clean steelmaking, endless rolling, thin strip casting and rolling, variable thickness rolling, plasma metallurgy, and other advanced production process technology transformations, and promote the updating of inspection and testing equipment and instruments. 5. Industrial operating system upgrading. Promote the overall upgrading of industrial operating systems, focusing on the upgrading and transformation of programmable logic controllers (PLC) and embedded software in production lines and various production equipment. For other specialized industrial operating system products in the steel industry, gradually expand the scope and scale of upgrading and transformation according to the principle of "comprehensive promotion of mature available products and batch-by-batch renewal of basically available products." 6. Industrial software upgrading. Promote the comprehensive upgrading of market-mature software such as two-dimensional computer-aided design (CAD), manufacturing execution systems (MES), enterprise resource planning (ERP), supply chain management (SCM), and operation and maintenance services. Encourage the accelerated pilot verification of three-dimensional CAD, structural simulation, and analysis software that is in the preliminary stages of maturity, select non-critical processes and non-important application scenarios for upgrading first, and gradually open up key processes and core application scenarios. For other industry-specific industrial software, gradually expand the scope and scale of upgrading and transformation according to the principle of replacing one batch with another. III. Non-ferrous Metal Industry (1) Equipment Update Goals Focus on promoting energy-saving, carbon reduction, pollution reduction, and digital transformation in the non-ferrous metal industry, promote the adoption of green and efficient mining, smelting, and material processing equipment, and promote the application of online detection devices, advanced process control, and intelligent equipment in key processes such as mining, grinding, flotation, smelting, electrolysis, extrusion, forging, and rolling. Strive to achieve by 2027 a reduction of 5% in carbon emissions and a saving of 200kWh per ton of electrolytic aluminum, the elimination of prebaked anode electrolytic cells below 200kA, and reaching energy efficiency benchmark levels for over 35% of electrolytic aluminum production capacity and over 55% of copper, lead, and zinc smelting capacity. All production capacity below energy efficiency benchmark levels should be phased out, significant reductions in emissions of pollutants such as sulfur dioxide and nitrogen oxides, and over 75% of CNC rates for key processes in large non-ferrous metal enterprises. The equipment's self-sufficiency and level of application of digital intelligence should be significantly improved.For those related to the electrolytic aluminum smelting equipment and changes in production capacity, the relevant policies on production capacity replacement must be implemented in accordance with regulations first.()Policy and Standards The main policy and standard references include but are not limited to: "Industrial Key Energy Efficiency Benchmark Level and Baseline Level (2023 Edition)", "Digital Transformation Work Plan for Raw Material Industry (2024-2026)" and the attached Industry Digital Transformation Implementation Guide, "Guidelines for the Construction of Intelligent Factories (Mines) in the Non-Ferrous Metals Industry (Trial)", and other digital transformation management requirements, industry-specific conditions and self-discipline requirements for copper, aluminum, lead, zinc, magnesium, rare earth, silicon, tin, and other industries. Energy efficiency standards such as "GB25323-2023 Unit Product Energy Consumption Limit for Non-ferrous Heavy Metal Smelting Enterprises", "GB21346-2022 Unit Product Energy Consumption Limit for Electrolytic Aluminum and Alumina", "GB21350-2023 Unit Product Energy Consumption Limit for Copper and Copper Alloy Processing Materials", "GB21347-2023 Unit Product Energy Consumption Limit for Industrial Silicon and Magnesium", "GB29448-2022 Unit Product Energy Consumption Limit for Sponge Titanium and Titanium Ingots", among others. Safety standards such as "Metal Non-metal Mines Safety Regulations" and "Tailings Dam Safety Regulations", environmental protection standards such as "GB25467-2010 Copper, Nickel, Cobalt Industrial Pollutant Emission Standards" and "GB25466-2010 Lead, Zinc Industrial Pollutant Emission Standards", and digital transformation standards such as "Digital Transformation Maturity Model and Assessment Standards for Non-ferrous Metals Industry." ()Key Directions 1. Equipment in the mining field. In terms of green, efficient and energy-saving equipment, key efforts will be made to promote the transformation and upgrading of new energy mining trucks/excavators, loaders, electric locomotives, ventilation equipment, waste heat utilization equipment, solid waste disposal and efficient wastewater treatment equipment. In terms of safety equipment, efforts will focus on promoting safety monitoring equipment for mine ground pressure, slope soil discharge areas, tailings ponds, and the environment, as well as equipment upgrades for mechanized explosive loading, high-precision positioning of personnel and equipment, production scheduling, double prevention, AI intelligent recognition, and more. In terms of intelligent equipment, there will be a focus on promoting inspection robots from Siasun Robot & Automation, large-scale crushing/grinding/floatation/magnetic separation equipment, intelligent sorting equipment, online detection and analysis equipment, long-range remote control and intelligent operation systems for mining equipment, unmanned and centralized control systems for fixed facilities, production control platforms, and high-bandwidth communication networks for mining operations, among others. 2. Equipment in the smelting field. In terms of green, efficient and energy-saving equipment, key efforts will be made to promote efficient transformation of alumina calcining furnaces, aluminum electrolysis rectifier units, graphite cathode modifications for aluminum electrolysis, new stable current insulation technology and equipment for aluminum electrolytic cells, continuous anode blowing of copper matte, direct reduction of liquid high-lead slag, green and efficient zinc smelting, vertical magnesium smelting reduction, large-scale silicon smelting kilns (with heat recovery equipment), environmental upgrades for copper smelting PS converters, lead-zinc ISP smelting, and other equipment upgrades. In terms of intelligent equipment, there will be a focus on promoting online monitoring devices, intelligent cranes, automatic stripping machines, intelligent sorting equipment, intelligent transportation equipment, intelligent warehouse equipment, metallurgical process operation with Siasun Robot & Automation, intelligent short-circuit detection device for electrolytic cells, unmanned patrols, and unmanned operations, among others. For resource comprehensive utilization equipment, there will be a focus on promoting comprehensive utilization of red mud, zinc wet smelting leach residue, aluminum electrolysis repair residue, and aluminum ash industrial solid waste utilization equipment, as well as dismantling, crushing, and fine sorting equipment, low-heat and low-energy consumption furnaces, complete equipment for recycling of regenerated metal resources, and more. 3. Equipment in the processing field. In terms of green, efficient and energy-saving equipment, key efforts will be made to promote energy-efficient exhaust gas treatment equipment, energy supply equipment, dust removal and smoke purification equipment, waste heat recovery equipment, vertical semi-continuous hydraulic top pouring casting machines, hydraulic tilting casting furnaces, and more for upgrading. In terms of high-end equipment, there will be a focus on promoting large-scale extruders, high-precision rolling mills, precision wire drawing machines, and upgrading the control systems for imported high-end rolling mills, as well as accelerating the transformation and upgrading of inspection and testing equipment such as next-generation mass spectrometers, highly stable spectrometers, non-destructive testing equipment, online thickness gauges, and more. For intelligent equipment, efforts will focus on promoting AGV carriers, intelligent cranes, intelligent high-rise warehouses, automatic loading machines, automatic strapping machines, automatic welding devices, and equipment such as automatic feeding machines for recycled materials processing, intelligent sorting equipment, online packaging and conveying equipment, and intelligent warehouse equipment, among others. 4. Industrial operating systems. Following the principle of "comprehensive promotion of updates and replacements for mature and available products, and batch updates for mainstream products when mature," the replacement and upgrading of programmable logic controllers (PLC), distributed control systems (DCS), data acquisition, and monitoring control systems (SCADA), embedded software, and other industrial operating system products used in the non-ferrous metals industry will be advanced. 5. Industrial software. Following the principle of "replacing one batch as one batch matures," the replacement and upgrading of R&D design software, production and manufacturing software, operational management software, and maintenance service software used in the non-ferrous metals industry will be promoted. Initially, non-critical processes and non-important application scenarios will undergo replacement and upgrading, with a gradual expansion towards critical processes and core application scenarios, gradually increasing the scope and scale of replacements. Building Materials Industry ()Equipment Upgrading Objectives With pollution reduction, carbon reduction, energy-saving, and digital transformation as the key focus, equipment in processes such as mining, mineral processing, raw material preparation, kiln control, milling, and crushing will be transformed and upgraded, with online monitoring, energy management, intelligent control systems, and other equipment upgrades, to continuously reduce the energy consumption and carbon emission intensity of main products. By 2027, more than 30% of cement, building sanitary ceramics, and glass fiber production lines, and more than 20% of flat glass production lines will have energy consumption levels surpassing benchmark levels, and all production lines in various industries will meet or exceed energy efficiency standard baseline levels; more than 70% of cement, flat glass, building sanitary ceramics, and glass fiber enterprises will achieve highly automated production processes, with over 20% of companies reaching maturity levels of level 3 or above in digital transformation, significantly improving industry greening and digitalization levels. For those related to changes in cement, flat glass production kilns, and production capacity, relevant policies regarding capacity substitution must first be implemented in accordance with regulations.Implementation Guide for Digital Transformation in the Building Materials IndustryGB16780-2021 Limit of Energy Consumption per Unit Product for CementGB21340-2019 Limit of Energy Consumption per Unit Product for Glass and Cast StoneGB21252-2023 Limit of Energy Consumption per Unit Product for Building Sanitary Ceramics and Wear-resistant Alumina BallsGB 29450-2012 Limit of Energy Consumption per Unit Product for Glass FiberSJ/T11838-2022 Evaluation Specification for Informationization and Industrialization Integration in the Cement IndustrySJ/T11916-2023 Evaluation Standard for Informationization and Industrialization Integration in the Glass IndustryDigital Transformation Maturity Model and Evaluation Criteriaand so on.The Key Directions 1. Equipment in the cement industry. Focus on promoting the update and transformation of systems such as kilns, waste heat utilization, material conveying, grinding, environmental protection, quality control, collaborative disposal, and green electricity. Encourage the use of oxygen-enriched or full oxygen combustion technology equipment, suspension boiling calcination equipment, high energy efficiency level six heat exchangers, center roller crusher coolers, raw material roller presses for final grinding equipment, double closed circuit semi-final combined grinding equipment, self-denitrification low-nitrogen decomposers, bypass wind equipment, low-carbon cement production equipment, etc. Promote the industrial application of intelligent systems for the entire production process, fully automated laboratories, and accelerate the replacement of industrial software for production line and supporting equipment such as programmable logic controllers (PLC), distributed control systems (DCS), data acquisition and monitoring control systems (SCADA), embedded software, industrial operation systems, research and development design, production manufacturing, business management, operation and maintenance services, etc. 2. Equipment in the glass industry. Focus on promoting the update and transformation of systems such as batching, melting furnace, forming, combustion systems, etc. Encourage the use of large-tonnage one kiln multi-line flat glass production equipment, oxygen-enriched full oxygen combustion technology equipment, glass efficient melting and precise forming control technology equipment, high-power "fire-electricity" composite melting technology equipment, float glass low-temperature melting technology equipment, large-size rolling equipment technology, external kiln preheating process and complete set of equipment, ultra-low emission technology equipment, etc. Promote the industrial application of intelligent systems for the entire production process, integration of original sheet processing intelligent assembly line systems, and accelerate the replacement of industrial software for production line and supporting equipment such as programmable logic controllers (PLC), distributed control systems (DCS), data acquisition and monitoring control systems (SCADA), embedded software, industrial operation systems, research and development design, production manufacturing, business management, operation and maintenance services, etc. 3. Equipment in the building sanitary ceramics industry. Focus on promoting the update and transformation of efficient energy-saving raw material preparation, product forming, drying, firing, etc. Encourage the use of oxygen-rich combustion new firing, electric roller kilns, large-tonnage continuous ball mills, high-pressure grouting forming, dry powder making methods, microwave drying, new wet integrated powder making methods, thin sheet efficient production, efficient desulfurization and dust removal, sanitary ceramic body 3D printing equipment, etc. Promote the industrial application of digital measurement devices for batching loops, quality online detection systems, AGV intelligent warehousing systems, industrial Siasun Robot & Automation, etc., and accelerate the replacement of industrial software for production line and supporting equipment such as programmable logic controllers (PLC), distributed control systems (DCS), data acquisition and monitoring control systems (SCADA), embedded software, industrial operation systems, research and development design, production manufacturing, business management, operation and maintenance services, etc. 4. Equipment in the glass fiber industry. Focus on promoting the update and transformation of equipment such as kilns, forming, heat treatment, product processing, etc. Encourage the use of large reel automatic rewinding drawing machines, energy-saving drying and heat setting furnaces, high-speed rapier and air jet looms, ceramic integrated dust removal and denitration equipment, as well as high-strength, high-modulus, low dielectric, high silicon oxygen and other high-performance glass fiber pool kiln production equipment. Promote the industrial application of production forecasting and diagnostic platforms, intelligent kilns, intelligent logistics warehousing, etc., and accelerate the replacement of industrial software for production line and supporting equipment such as programmable logic controllers (PLC), distributed control systems (DCS), data acquisition and monitoring control systems (SCADA), embedded software, industrial operation systems, research and development design, production manufacturing, business management, operation and maintenance services, etc. 5. Equipment in the non-metallic mineral industry. Focus on promoting the update and transformation of equipment such as mining, ore dressing, crushing and grinding, calcination, material conveying, and testing. Encourage the use of efficient and energy-saving mining and ore dressing, dry crushing and purification integration, large-scale superconducting magnetic separation, ultra-fine modification, mineral calcination and purification equipment. Promote the industrial application of intelligent mining and ore dressing equipment, intelligent belt conveyor, and full-process intelligent management systems, and accelerate the replacement of industrial software for production line and supporting equipment such as programmable logic controllers (PLC), distributed control systems (DCS), data acquisition and monitoring control systems (SCADA), embedded software, industrial operation systems, research and development design, production manufacturing, business management, operation and maintenance services, etc. 6. Equipment in other industries. Focus on promoting the update and transformation of equipment such as energy systems, raw material preparation, production processing, inspection and testing, material transportation, etc. Encourage the update and transformation of key equipment according to the "Guiding Catalogue for Industrial Structural Adjustment" (encouraged category), "Technology and Product Catalogue for Promoting and Applying in the Building Materials Industry", "Guidelines for Implementing Digital Transformation in the Building Materials Industry" and other related documents, and accelerate the replacement of industrial software for production line and supporting equipment such as programmable logic controllers (PLC), distributed control systems (DCS), data acquisition and monitoring control systems (SCADA), embedded software, industrial operation systems, research and development design, production manufacturing, business management, operation and maintenance services, etc. Five, Automobile Industry (1) Equipment Renewal Targets Focus on new energy vehicles in the entire vehicle and parts production process, around the four major processes of vehicle stamping, welding, painting, final assembly, and parts production manufacturing, updating and applying advanced manufacturing technology, automation and flexibility technology, energy-saving and environmental protection technology and corresponding equipment, to support enterprises in implementing technological upgrading and transformation. By 2027, achieve a new level of production efficiency, energy consumption, environmental protection level, and product quality in the automotive and parts production. For changes in whole vehicle production capacity, they should comply with industry policy requirements and follow relevant procedures. (2) Policy and Standard Basis The main policy and standard basis include but are not limited to: "GB/T5226.1-2019 Mechanical and Electrical Safety Part 1: General Technical Conditions for Mechanical and Electrical Equipment" "GB/T 21269-2023 Cold Chamber Die Casting Machine" "GB24409-2020 Limits of Harmful Substances in Vehicle Coatings" "GB/T20721-2022 Automated Guided Vehicle General Technical Conditions" "GB/T 1435115-2017 Industrial Automation Energy Efficiency" "GB/T40735-2021 Evaluation Method for Inherent Energy Efficiency of CNC Machine Tools" "JB/T8801-2017 Machining Center Technical Conditions" and other national standards or industry standards. (3) Key Directions 1. Entire vehicle production in the automotive industry.Production equipment. In the stamping process, it is encouraged to upgrade the press machine, support the update of stamping molds, increase the number of specialized Siasun Robot & Automation applications, and promote integrated die-casting production lines; in the welding and assembly process, support the update of control systems, welding Siasun Robot & Automation, welding fixtures, increase the use of advanced process equipment such as automatic gluing, self-piercing riveting (SPR), flow drilling screws (FDS), automated welding point detection, bending equipment (bending machines, rolling machines, etc.); in the painting process, promote the upgrading of gluing equipment (Siasun Robot & Automation body, glue supply system, vision system, etc.), spray painting equipment (Siasun Robot & Automation body, spray unit, water-based paint, etc.), environmental protection equipment (VOC exhaust gas treatment systems), electrophoretic painting equipment, baking equipment, etc. In the final assembly process, accelerate the transformation of unmanned delivery systems (SPS systems), automatic tightening Siasun Robot & Automation (chassis, tires, etc.), automatic conveying lines for large components (seats, tires, battery packs, etc.), offline inspection equipment, and assistive equipment.2. Industrial operating system. Promote the upgrading and replacement of industrial operating systems in the automotive manufacturing sector comprehensively, focusing on the upgrading and transformation of programmable logic controllers (PLC) and embedded software in production lines and various types of production equipment. For other industry-specific industrial operating system products, according to the principle of "promoting the upgrading and replacement of mature and usable products comprehensively, and updating batches of basically usable products", gradually expand the scope and scale of upgrading and replacement. 3. Industrial software. Following the principle of "replacing a batch with another batch", promote the upgrading and replacement of research and development design software, production and manufacturing software, business management software, and operation and maintenance service software used in the automotive industry. Prioritize non-critical processes and non-important application scenarios for upgrading and replacement, and open up to critical processes and core application scenarios, gradually expanding the scope and scale of upgrading and replacement. VI. Construction Machinery Industry (I) Equipment Upgrade Targets Focus on promoting the intelligent upgrading of production and manufacturing equipment and production lines, upgrading various types of production equipment (including machine tools, hydraulic presses, bending machines, coating equipment, welding equipment, cutting machines, heat treatment and surface treatment equipment, assembly and debugging equipment, lifting and transportation equipment, etc.), process equipment, scientific research and experimental equipment, testing equipment, as well as auxiliary equipment for warehousing logistics, energy and power, safety and environmental protection, etc. By 2027, the production efficiency of new products will significantly increase, and production costs will decrease significantly. (II) Policy and Standard Basis The main policy and standard basis include but are not limited to: "Guidelines for the Construction of the National Intelligent Manufacturing Standard System", "GB/T43780-2024 General Technical Requirements for Intelligent Manufacturing Equipment", "GB/T40808.1-2021 Machine Tool Environmental Assessment Part 1: Energy-saving Design Method", "GB/T39967-2021 Five-axis Linkage Machining Center S-shaped Test Piece Accuracy Inspection", "GB/T16277-2021 Road Construction and Maintenance Machinery Equipment Asphalt Concrete Paver", "GB/T9139-2018 Earthmoving Machinery Hydraulic Excavator Technical Specifications", "GB/T 35199-2017 Earthmoving Machinery Wheeled Loader Technical Specifications", "JB/T13812-2020 Machining Center Performance Test Methods", "GB/T21682-2019 Rotary Drilling Rig 16 Machine", "JB/T 3340-2005 Forklift with Legs", "JB/T 2391-2017 500kg~10000kg Rider Balanced Forklift", etc. (III) Key Directions 1. Production Equipment. Use hydraulic presses, bending machines, welding equipment, and environmentally friendly coating equipment to improve product manufacturing process levels. Use various Siasun Robot & Automation with robots, AGVs, RGVs, automated warehouses, automated conveyors, etc., to achieve automation and semi-automation of material handling (including loading and unloading and material transfer) and assembly. Digitize, informatize, and intelligentize some obsolete equipment, apply production line control systems, warehouse management systems (WMS), manufacturing execution systems (MES). Apply advanced technologies such as industrial big data, 5G communication, Internet of Things, AI, etc., to enable automated equipment on production lines to have self-perception, self-learning, self-adaptation, self-decision-making, and self-execution capabilities, providing intelligent operation guidance and intelligent error-checking during manual operations. Apply various sensors, vision recognition systems, data calculation and analysis systems, equipment predictive maintenance systems, etc. 2. Quality Inspection Equipment. Focus on promoting the upgrading of equipment such as coordinate measuring machines, laser trackers, roughness testers, roundness testers, laser scanners, etc., to achieve full coverage of quality monitoring in the manufacturing process and traceable detection results, improving the first-pass inspection pass rate of products. 3. Research and Development Design Equipment. Focus on promoting the updating and transformation of reliability, environmental, and basic material performance testing equipment, 3D printing, flexible manufacturing equipment, etc., supporting the construction of big data experimental platforms, artificial intelligence experimental platforms, intelligent control experimental platforms, etc. 4. Industrial Operating System. According to the principle of "promoting the upgrading and replacement of mature and usable products comprehensively, and updating batches of basically usable products", promote the upgrading and replacement of industrial operating system products such as programmable logic controllers (PLC), distributed control systems (DCS), data acquisition and monitoring control systems (SCADA), embedded software used in the manufacturing process of construction machinery equipment. 5. Industrial Software. Following the principle of "replacing a batch with another batch", promote the upgrading and replacement of research and development design software, production and manufacturing software, business management software, and operation and maintenance service software used in the construction machinery equipment industry. VII. Heavy Machinery Industry (I) Equipment Upgrade Targets Focus on the upgrading and intelligent and green transformation of old equipment in the production and manufacturing of heavy machinery in fields such as metallurgy and mining, and promote the updating of key research and development design, energy and power, production and manufacturing, and inspection and testing equipment, and the widespread application of stable, high-precision, highly automated and intelligent, efficient, energy-saving, and environmentally friendly equipment. By 2027, the automation and digitization level of key equipment in the heavy machinery industry will significantly increase, production costs and energy consumption levels will decrease significantly, and production quality and efficiency will increase significantly. (II) Policy and Standard Basis The main policy and standard basis include but are not limited to: "GB/T37400 General Conditions for Heavy Machinery", series of national standards on crane safety regulations, "GB/T 20961-2018 Single-rope Winding Mine Hoist", "GB/T10599-2010 Multi-rope Friction Hoist", "GB/T35737-2017 Multi-rope Winding Mine Hoist", "GB/T25708-2010 Ball Mill and Rod Mill", "GB/T25709-2010 Autogenous Mill and Semi-autogenous Mill", "GB/T36697-2018 Scrap Conditions for Foundry Cranes", "GB/T28264-2017 Crane Safety Monitoring and Management System", "GB/T41510-2022 Crane Safety Evaluation Standard General Requirements", etc."30222-2013 Power efficiency test method for electrically driven lifting mechanisms of lifting machinery" "GB/T36697-2018 Scrap conditions for foundry cranes" "JB/T13011-2017 Hydraulic excavators for mining" etc. Non-essential application scenarios are being updated and replaced, and are gradually being opened up to key processes and core application scenarios, gradually expanding the scope and scale of updates and replacements.Nine, Industrial Siasun Robot&Automation Industry (1) Equipment Updating Goals Facing the direction of high-end, intelligent, and green development, taking the construction of digital workshops and smart factories as the starting point, accelerate the equipment updating and technological transformation of industrial Siasun Robot&Automation whole machines, components, and system integration enterprises, and focus on improving the digital network and intelligent level of industrial Siasun Robot&Automation production processes, shorten product development cycles, reduce production costs, improve production efficiency and product quality, reduce energy consumption, and significantly enhance the competitiveness of industrial Siasun Robot&Automation products. By 2027, the digital level of equipment in the industrial Siasun Robot&Automation industry, energy efficiency level, and production efficiency will be greatly improved, the key components and whole machine performance quality of industrial Siasun Robot&Automation will be significantly improved, and the overall supply chain capability of industrial Siasun Robot&Automation will be significantly strengthened. (2) Policy and Standard Basis The main policy and standard basis include but are not limited to: "14th Five-Year Plan for the Development of Siasun Robot&Automation Industry," "Siasun Robot&Automation+" Application Action Implementation Plan," "Industrial Siasun Robot&Automation Industry Standard Conditions," "14th Five-Year Plan for Intelligent Manufacturing," "National Intelligent Manufacturing Standard System Construction Guide," "Industrial Structure Adjustment Guidance Catalog (2024)," and other strategic guiding documents related to the industrial Siasun Robot&Automation field. National standards, industry standards, and intelligent manufacturing series standards related to industrial machinery and equipment, as well as standards for digital workshops, digital twins, vision inspection, predictive maintenance, etc. (3) Key Directions 1. Whole Machine Manufacturing Equipment. For industrial Siasun Robot&Automation whole machines, update hardware performance testing, software testing, integration, bus testing and other R&D equipment, CNC machining centers, assembly spraying and other intelligent complete production lines, logistics and warehousing equipment, laser testing, optical tracking, positioning testing, trajectory testing and other performance testing equipment, reliability testing equipment, as well as pilot verification equipment for whole machine environmental adaptability verification, and R&D design, production manufacturing, operation management, maintenance services, embedded software, Siasun Robot&Automation operating systems, etc. 2. Key Component Manufacturing Equipment. Focus on industrial Siasun Robot&Automation high-performance reducers, servo drive systems, controllers and other key components, update performance simulation analysis, control algorithm testing and verification and other R&D equipment, CNC machining centers, high-precision grinders, industrial Siasun Robot&Automation, high-precision EDM machines, super-finishing machines, winding production equipment, core processing equipment and other production processing equipment, vibration testing, electrical performance testing, thermal performance testing, magnetic field analysis, joint torque analysis, reliability analysis and other inspection and testing equipment, as well as R&D design, production manufacturing, operation management, maintenance services, embedded software and so on. 3. System Integration Equipment. Targeting industrial Siasun Robot&Automation system integration, update process modeling simulation analysis, data acquisition analysis management, offline and autonomous programming systems and other R&D equipment, machinery processing, assembly, debugging, packaging transportation and other production processing equipment, communication testing, process performance testing and verification, reliability testing and other inspection and testing equipment, pilot verification equipment for manufacturing units or complete production lines in different industries or different production process links, and R&D design, production manufacturing, operation management, maintenance services software. Ten, Industrial Mother Machine Industry (1) Equipment Updating Goals Focus on the high-end, green and intelligent development of the industrial mother machine industry, focus on improving the stability, reliability, efficiency of industrial mother machines, reliability and precision of CNC systems/functional components, and the intelligent level of manufacturing processes, and update and transform the equipment needed in the R&D design, machining manufacturing, assembly debugging, inspection and testing links for industrial mother machine enterprises. By 2027, the penetration rate of digital R&D design tools for large-scale industrial mother machine enterprises, and the CNC rate of key processes will exceed 90% and 75% respectively, and key equipment updating and technological transformation will be completed for backbone industrial mother machine enterprises to effectively improve manufacturing capabilities. (2) Policy and Standard Basis The main policy and standard basis include but are not limited to: "Industrial Structure Adjustment Guidance Catalog (2024)," "GB/T43780-2024 Manufacturing Equipment Intelligent General Technical Requirements," "GB/T40808.1-2021 Machine Tool Environmental Assessment Part 1: Machine Tool Energy Saving Design Method," "GB/T39967-2021 Five-Axis Linkage Processing Center""S-shaped test piece precision inspection", "GB/T 35976-2018 Sheet and strip precision finishing and surface treatment equipment safety technical conditions", "GB/T 43148-2023 Additive manufacturing structural lightweight design requirements", "JB/T 13812-2020 Machining center performance test methods", etc.1. Key Directions 1. Host manufacturing equipment. This mainly includes CNC machines necessary for industrial host machine manufacturing, high-efficiency casting equipment, precision forging equipment, high-efficiency welding equipment, energy-saving heat treatment equipment, environmentally-friendly surface treatment equipment, high-efficiency energy-saving plastic machinery, composite material forming equipment, and additive manufacturing equipment. 2. Key component manufacturing equipment. This mainly includes precision casting equipment, precision forging equipment, heat treatment strengthening equipment, CNC lathes and turning centers, machining centers, vertical/horizontal coordinate boring machines, floor-type boring milling machines, CNC grinding machines, gear processing machine tools, etc. 3. Function components and tool accessories manufacturing equipment. This mainly includes heat treatment equipment, straightening equipment, CNC lathes, turning centers, machining centers, CNC grinding machines, specialized ball screw and nut processing equipment, linear guide and slider processing equipment, tool coating equipment, powder hot press sintering forming equipment, tool grinding machines, etc. 4. CNC system manufacturing equipment. This mainly includes SMT placement machines, power plug-in equipment, selective wave soldering production equipment, fully automatic chip burning equipment, selective three-proof coating equipment, etc. 5. Industrial software and measurement instruments. According to the "replace a batch with a batch" principle, updating and developing design software, production software, management software, operation and maintenance service software, as well as laser interferometers, ball barometers, roundness meters, profile meters, roughness meters, three-coordinate measuring instruments, etc. 6. Industrial operating systems. According to the "mature a batch and update a batch" principle, the focus is on promoting the updating and replacement of industrial operating system products such as programmable logic controllers (PLC), data acquisition and monitoring control systems (SCADA), embedded software in the manufacturing process of host machines. Eleven. Shipbuilding Industry 1. Equipment renewal goals Taking intelligent and green transformation as the main line, the key focus is on promoting the application of intelligent manufacturing equipment and green manufacturing equipment in the shipbuilding industry, updating equipment in shipbuilding, repair, modification, and supporting processes such as processing, assembly, cutting, sandblasting, painting, welding, outfitting, rust removal, small and medium group assembly, transportation, warehousing logistics, inspection and testing, lifting, public power, energy conservation and carbon reduction, green environmental protection, etc. Accelerate the upgrading of equipment for the production and construction of high-end ships and marine engineering equipment, promote the application of advanced ship battery powertrain systems, and promote the electrification transformation of coastal and inland waterway ships. The focus is on updating and replacing shipbuilding industry software, promoting the research and development and application of shipbuilding industry software. Guide enterprises to carry out intelligent green process upgrading and transformation, accelerate digital transformation, and create intelligent green factories. By 2027, the cutting efficiency of cutting equipment will increase by 15%, VOC emissions from painting equipment will decrease by 20%, the rust removal efficiency of ultra-high pressure water rust removal equipment will reach above 30m2/h, the digitization rate of welding equipment will be above 90%, the assembly efficiency of components in small and medium group assembly equipment will increase by over 20%, the total amount of pollutants emitted by environmental protection equipment will decrease by over 5%, and the efficiency of construction of ultra-large LNG carriers, high-end car carriers, and other high-end ship types will increase by 10%. 2. Policy and standards basis The main policy and standards basis include but are not limited to: "Regulations on the Management of Old Transport Ships", "GB37822-2019 Volatile Organic Compound Unorganized Emission Control Standards", "GB 28736-2019 Energy Efficiency Limit Values and Energy Efficiency Grades of Welding Machines", "GB/T38994-2020 General Requirements for Ship Digitalized Collaborative Manufacturing Technology", and national emissions standards for non-road machinery. 3. Key directions 1. Green low-carbon transformation. Strengthen enterprise technological transformation, improve the energy efficiency of terminal equipment such as cutting machines, welding machines, air compressors, dehumidifiers, etc., accelerate electrification transformation of forklifts, heating boilers, promote technologies such as ultra-high pressure water surface rust removal and green painting, promote the utilization of renewable energy sources such as rooftop distributed photovoltaics, decentralized wind power, etc. Implement and improve energy management systems, improve the intelligence level of energy management. Promote advanced and applicable water-saving technologies and applications, upgrade sewage treatment and waste gas disposal facilities, ensure compliance with pollutant emission standards. 2. Digital transformation. Taking the digital transformation of shipbuilding and supporting enterprises as the starting point, solidify the foundation of lean management, promote the deep integration of new generation information technologies such as big data, 5G, artificial intelligence, industrial Internet, etc. with the shipbuilding industry, promote the digitalization level of the entire chain of ship design, construction, supply chain, etc., cultivate and improve the digital development ecosystem including standard systems, service platforms, etc. Improve the production efficiency and quality of processes such as outfitting, docking for assembly, dock testing, ship outfitting, etc., establish a process design norm library, improve the digital level of equipment such as ship segment construction, assembly, dock fitting, and ship accessory production, accelerate the intelligent transformation of cutting, welding, painting, assembly, testing, warehousing and logistics equipment. Improve innovation application of shipbuilding industry software, enhance the digital level of shipbuilding processes such as production, repair, modification and supporting. 3. Upscaling equipment upgrading and transformation. Promote the high-end development of ship and marine engineering equipment, support backbone shipyards in designing and constructing high-end ships and marine engineering equipment such as large cruise ships, large LNG carriers, car carriers, passenger ferries, green intelligent ships, marine oil and gas, deep-sea aquaculture equipment, upgrade research and development, design, intermediate product production, segment construction, assembly and outfitting, ship platform and dock, port and dock equipment and all related hardware and software equipment. 4. Industrial operating system upgrading and transformation. According to the principle of "comprehensively promoting the upgrading and replacement of mature and available products, and replacing a batch when a basic available product becomes mature," promote the updating and replacement of industrial operating system products such as programmable logic controllers (PLC), data acquisition and monitoring control systems (SCADA), embedded software in the shipbuilding process. 5. Industrial software upgrading and transformation. Comprehensive promotion of market-matured software such as production design software, Manufacturing Execution System (MES), Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP), Supply Chain Management (SCM), operation and maintenance service, etc. Accelerate the preliminary verification of software products such as Product Lifecycle Management (PLM) and process planning and simulation software that are initially mature, gradually expand the scope and scale of upgrading and replacement, promote the overall design software for ships, and improve the digital level of shipbuilding processes such as production, repair, modification, and support.Simulation software updates for force, experimental validation, human factors engineering, optics, underwater acoustic communication, etc. are being prioritized. Pilot updates are being conducted on non-critical processes and less significant application scenarios, with gradual expansion into critical processes and key application scenarios.12. Aviation Industry (1) Equipment Updating Goals Focus on three major areas: civil large aircraft, large amphibious aircraft, and aviation engines, to enhance capabilities in overall assembly integration, testing and validation, supply chain support, operational support, and digitalization. By 2027, upgrade aviation engines, large aircraft testing and validation platforms, revamp aircraft training equipment, information technology equipment, complete professional digital simulation equipment upgrades, update electronic component testing and validation platforms, complete large-scale production, hardware and software upgrades for large amphibious aircraft, and update industrial operating systems and industrial software in the aviation sector. (2) Policy and Standard Basis Major policies and standards include but are not limited to: "CCAR-23 Normal Category Aircraft Airworthiness Regulations," "CCAR-25 Transport Category Aircraft Airworthiness Standards," "CCAR-33 Aircraft Engine Airworthiness Standards," "CCAR-34 Turbo Engine Aircraft Fuel and Exhaust Gas Emissions Regulations," "CCAR-60-R1 Flight Simulation Training Equipment Management and Operation Rules," "GB4943.1-2022 Audio-Visual, Information Technology and Communication Technology Equipment Part 1: Safety Requirements," "ITSS Information Technology Service Standards," etc. (3) Key Directions 1. Aviation engine testing and validation equipment. Upgrade and revamp aviation engine large-scale testing and validation equipment. 2. Civil large aircraft testing and validation equipment. Upgrade and revamp flight testing and validation platform equipment for civil large aircraft. 3. Civil large aircraft operational support and information technology equipment. Upgrade and revamp civil large aircraft training equipment configurations and digital training systems, as well as IT systems information technology equipment. 4. Civil large aircraft digital equipment. Upgrade and revamp digital simulation equipment for civil large aircraft. 5. Civil large aircraft supply chain support equipment. Upgrade and revamp electronic component testing and validation platforms for civil large aircraft. 6. Large amphibious aircraft assembly integration, supply chain support, operational support equipment. Upgrade and revamp batch production equipment, hardware and software, and other key operational support equipment for large amphibious aircraft. 7. Industrial operating systems and industrial software. Upgrade programmable logic controllers (PLC), data acquisition and supervisory control systems (SCADA), embedded software, etc., as well as enterprise resource planning (ERP), product lifecycle management (PLM), manufacturing operations management (MOM), Computer-Aided Design (CAD), structural analysis, fluid simulation, acoustic simulation, display dynamics, multibody dynamics, composite material simulation, electromagnetic simulation, and other industrial software used in the aviation industry. 13. Petrochemical General Equipment Industry (1) Equipment Updating Goals Focus on the automation and intelligent upgrade of petroleum and petrochemical equipment manufacturing, with a focus on green and digital factory construction, and upgrade and revamp processing and testing equipment for oil and gas-specific equipment. By 2027, achieve one-time clamping and forming of large high-end downhole tool instruments and complex structures of high-pressure pump valves, with processing accuracy generally increased by one order of magnitude (to 0.01mm or higher). (2) Policy and Standard Basis Major policies and standards include but are not limited to: "GB/T23505-2017 Petroleum and Natural Gas Industry Drilling and Workover Rigs," "SY/T6680-2021 Petroleum and Natural Gas Drilling and Production Equipment Drilling and Workover Rig Factory Acceptance Specifications," "SY/T5211-2016 Petroleum and Natural Gas Drilling and Production Equipment Fracturing Equipment," "SY/T7333-2016 Petroleum and Natural Gas Drilling and Production Equipment Cementing Equipment," "SY/T7424-2018 Petroleum and Natural Gas Drilling and Production EquipmentTruck-Mounted Drilling Rigs and Workover Rigs," etc. (3) Key Directions 1. Production and processing equipment. Promote the automation and intelligent transformation of special processing equipment, update four-axis/five-axis coordinated large-scale long-shaft numerical control milling machines used for processing complex structures of downhole instrument instruments, and update five-axis coordinated horizontal or vertical boring and milling machines used for the processing of high-pressure pump valve bodies/shells, fracturing pumps, oil and gas wellheads, etc., for the processing of complex high-pressure pump valve bodies/shells. Update intelligent logistics warehousing equipment and intelligent welding Siasun Robot & Automation to meet the R&D and processing needs of high-end oil and gas equipment, and enhance the ability of one-time clamping processing of core, complex, and precision components. 2. Testing and measurement equipment. Update large three-coordinate measuring equipment and large high-precision articulated arm measurement equipment used for size measurement and reverse design of large complex parts structures, establish new or revamp integrated performance testing platforms for high-temperature, high-pressure, large load, large displacement, high-power, etc., to meet the application verification test requirements of deep-sea oil and gas exploration and development technology equipment. 3. Industrial operating systems. Promote the updating and replacement of industrial operating system products such as programmable logic controllers (PLC), data acquisition and supervisory control systems (SCADA), embedded software, following the principle of "mature and available products comprehensively promote updates and upgrades, basically available products mature in batches and updates in batches." 4. Industrial software. Comprehensive promotion of reservoir numerical simulation software, seismic data processing interpretation, reservoir seismic imaging and quantitative prediction software, well logging processing interpretation software, intelligent reservoir analysis and optimization, drilling engineering software, and other software ready for promotion. Accelerate the testing and verification of basin simulation software, reservoir reconstruction simulation software, well testing analysis software, pipeline network multiphase flow dynamic simulation software which are initially matured, select application scenarios for pilot updates, and gradually promote application. 14. Rail transportation equipment industry (1) Equipment Updating Goals Focus on equipment for production, manufacturing, lifting transportation, and testing and research and development, promote digitization transformation at all stages of production and operation, build intelligent production lines, establish a batch of digital workshops, improve efficiency in collaborative design, production, fault prediction, and health management (PHM) system operation and maintenance, and upgrade and revamp high-precision machining machine tools, stamping and forming cutting equipment, lifting transportation equipment, welding equipment, casting and forging equipment, spray equipment, commissioning equipment, electrical control equipment, instrumentation, etc. By 2027, basically complete the innovative industrial production and processing equipment.Software and operating system replacement, the efficiency of electromechanical collaborative design increased by 30%, production and manufacturing efficiency increased by 20%, PHM system maintenance efficiency increased by 30%, ultimately achieving the goals of high digitization, low pollution, low energy consumption, high production efficiency, and high safety level.Test platform for basic components such as hydraulic components.8. Industrial operating system. In accordance with the principle of "promoting the renewal and replacement of mature and usable products comprehensively, and replacing a batch of mature and usable products," promote the renewal and replacement of industrial operating system products such as Programmable Logic Controllers (PLC), Supervisory Control and Data Acquisition (SCADA) systems, and embedded software. 9. Industrial software. In accordance with the principle of "replacing one batch as one batch matures," promote the renewal and replacement of research and development design software, production manufacturing software, business management software, and operation and maintenance service software used in the agricultural machinery industry. Priority will be given to non-critical processes and non-important application scenarios for renewal and replacement, and open them to critical processes and core application scenarios, gradually expanding the scope and scale of renewal and replacement. Sixteen. Medical Equipment Industry (1) Equipment Renewal Goals Focus on high-precision processing, automated assembly, and advanced inspection technology, transform high-end production and inspection equipment, and renew the research, design, production, and manufacturing phases of medical equipment used for diagnosis, treatment, monitoring, life support, elderly care, and rehabilitation by 2027. To complete the renewal and replacement of production and processing equipment, continuously improve the automation, digitization, and networking of production equipment, increase industry efficiency, reduce production costs, and enhance product competitiveness. (2) Policy and Standard Basis Key policies and standards include but are not limited to: "14th Five-Year Plan for the Development of the Medical Equipment Industry" and other policy documents. Standards such as "GB9706.1-2020 Medical Electrical Equipment Part 1: General Requirements for Basic Safety and Essential Performance" and related counterparts, "GB/T 42061-2022 Medical Devices Quality Management System Requirements for Regulatory Compliance," "GB 50457-2019 Design Standard for Cleanrooms in the Pharmaceutical Industry," "GB/T14710-2009 Electrical Environment Requirements and Test Methods for Medical Use," "GB/T16886.7-2015 Evaluation of Biological Safety of Medical Devices Part 7: Residual Amount of Ethylene Oxide Sterilization," "YY/T1738-2020 Energy Consumption Measurement Method for Medical Electrical Equipment," "YY/T0664-2020 Software Lifecycle Process for Medical Devices," "YY/T0033-2000 Sterile Medical Device Production Management Specification," and other specialized standards in the field of medical devices. (3) Key Directions 1. Research and development equipment. This includes sample preparation equipment for precision components, sensors, bone and vascular organ models, laboratory analysis instruments for physical, chemical, and biological quantities, electronic and electrical measurement instruments, electromagnetic compatibility testing equipment, reliability and environmental testing equipment, research and design software for mechanical, electronic, electrical, optical, acoustic, electromagnetic fields, computer-aided process engineering software, specialty simulation software, software development, testing verification tools, artificial intelligence, and big data processing platform equipment. 2. Whole machine manufacturing equipment. Focus on the high-quality and high-quality production of medical equipment, with a focus on updating precision machining machines, CNC machining centers, welding equipment, forging equipment, injection molding equipment, cutting equipment, additive manufacturing equipment, dispensing equipment, vacuum exhaust equipment, assembly equipment, production process quality inspection and monitoring equipment, warehousing and logistics equipment, and supporting control systems. 3. Key component manufacturing equipment. For the manufacturing and assembly processes of active components, optical components, biocompatible materials, passive instruments, sterilized dust-free components, medical robotic arms, etc., focus on updating equipment such as composite machining centers, cutting machines, precision thinning machines, winding machines, catheter forming equipment, material firing, thin film deposition, manufacturing equipment, and supporting testing systems, sterilized dust-free facilities, and supporting water supply, gas supply, vacuum negative pressure, air conditioning, constant temperature, and humidity control equipment. 4. Inspection and detection equipment. Mechanical and electrical performance testing equipment such as oscilloscopes, mass spectrometry/chromatography/spectral analyzers, laser trackers, coordinate measuring machines, impedance analyzers, hydrophones, insulation testers, leakage current testers, electromagnetic compatibility testing, safety performance testing equipment, environmental adaptability testing such as high and low temperature, collision, vibration, simulated transport, climate environment testing equipment, single stress/multi-stress working load testing, aging fatigue testing, reliability testing equipment, radiation safety testing, biocompatibility testing, sterilization efficacy testing, vacuum detection equipment, and other testing equipment. 5. Enterprise intelligent management system. Focus on the informatization and intelligence of the production and manufacturing process of medical equipment, as well as remote equipment operation and maintenance. Focus on updating production planning systems, intelligent equipment production data automatic collection platforms, intelligent distribution system construction, data analysis visualization, supplier management, full-chain traceability systems, customer service management systems, and other information management systems and equipment. 6. Industrial operating system. Includes industrial operating system products such as Programmable Logic Controllers (PLC) and embedded software. 7. Industrial software. Includes research and development design software, production manufacturing software, business management software, and operation and maintenance service software.Automated production equipment for windings, five-axis machining center, advanced laser welding machine, high-precision machine tools.1. Special processing equipment. Updated automatic assembly equipment for stator, stator punching, machine base, end cover molds, low energy consumption drying tanks, pouring tanks, vacuum furnaces, low energy consumption and low emission wire enamel production equipment, insulation oil storage and transportation equipment. 2. Intelligent auxiliary equipment. Transforming digital production lines, intelligent test stations, promoting the use of intelligent welding Siasun Robot & Automation, intelligent logistics and warehousing equipment, remote operation data collection equipment, 5G information transmission equipment, vision inspection equipment based on AI algorithms. 3. Industrial operating system. Promote the updating and replacement of industrial operating system products such as programmable logic controllers (PLC), data acquisition and monitoring control systems (SCADA), and embedded software. 4. Industrial software. Following the principle of "mature a batch, replace a batch," update and upgrade research and design software, production and manufacturing software, business management software, and operation and maintenance service software. 18. Food Industry (1) Equipment renewal objectives Focus on accelerating the renewal and transformation of old, inefficient, and energy-consuming equipment in the main equipment fields such as biotechnology fermentation, dairy products, brewing, sugar refining, salt processing, canned food, and beverages that have reached the design service life or been in operation for more than 10 years. By 2027, complete the iterative upgrade of the entire industry chain equipment, significantly improve production efficiency, and reduce labor intensity and energy consumption. (2) Policies and standards Main policies and standards include but are not limited to: "GB/T39681-2020 Design specification for stereoscopic warehouse shelves", "GB/T38501-2020 Form-fill-seal automatic packaging machine", "GB150-2011 Pressure vessels", "JB/T3263-2020 Horizontal vibration centrifuge", "JB/T11764-2018 Internal combustion counterbalance forklift energy efficiency limit", "QB/T 5679-2022 Energy efficiency limit and energy efficiency level for drinking water treatment devices", "QB/T4069-2010 Comprehensive energy consumption limit for beverage manufacturing", "QB/T2931-2008 Drink manufacturing water intake quota", etc. (3) Key directions 1. Equipment for the biotechnology fermentation industry. This includes evaporators, centrifuges, new drying systems, citric acid extraction equipment, energy-saving mixing for fermentation, continuous ion exchange equipment, environmental protection systems, energy big data collection equipment, logistics intelligent transfer systems, automatic sampling and detection systems, fermentation control systems, product packaging systems, industrial online near-infrared detectors for fermentation, exhaust gas analysis mass spectrometer for fermentation, cell counters, osmometers, multi-functional enzyme markers, biochemical analyzers, high-performance gas chromatography-mass spectrometry systems, high-performance liquid chromatography-mass spectrometry systems, amino acid analyzers, capillary electrophoresis instruments, and capillary gel electrophoresis chromatographs. 2. Bakery and confectionery industry equipment. This includes flexible bread production lines, low-sugar low-fat pastry production lines, bakery and pastry material management, automated packaging production lines, Siasun Robot & Automation equipped with smart production equipment, positive pressure sterilization autoclaves, fully automated material management and packaging lines, fresh juice UHT high-temperature sterilization pulp production lines, automated jam production lines, etc. 3. Sugar refining industry equipment. This includes sugarcane hydraulic turning machine and impurity removal systems, cooking syrup systems (including CIP systems), low-temperature automatic sulfur furnace systems, floating systems, sulfur fumigation neutralizers and supporting systems, plate heat exchangers, falling film evaporators, efficient sugar boiling pans, efficient sugar crystallization machines, sugarcane disease-free processing equipment, high-efficiency new bagasse fuel medium-pressure boiler turbine generator sets, boiler energy-saving transformation equipment, evaporation and sugar boiling intelligent control equipment, laboratory automatic analyzers, online color detection systems, press machines for seedless sugar cane, continuous sugar boiling, continuous sugar crystallization systems, etc. 4. Dairy industry equipment. This includes liquid milk production equipment and milk powder (including infant formula milk powder) production equipment, stable and efficient sterilized low-energy sterile filling equipment, etc. 5. Canning industry equipment. This includes continuous automatic packaging machines, high-efficiency energy-saving steam and gas mixing sterilization kettles, intelligent workshop equipment (including digital intelligent identification, weighing, statistics, analysis equipment), etc. 6. Brewing industry equipment. This includes automation brewing and koji-making equipment, industrial Siasun Robot & Automation (welding, grinding, handling, assembly, online measurement), alcoholic fermentation near-infrared online detectors, original wine infrared online detectors, fermenting grain online detectors, etc. 7. Beverage industry equipment. This includes aseptic cold filling equipment, plant extraction systems, filtration systems, PET bottled beverage aseptic production lines, glass bottle production lines, PET bulk drinking water production lines, aseptic filling plant protein-containing milk beverage production lines, PE bottle nut beverage production lines, can automatic lidning/unloading machines, ton sugar feeding equipment, liquid level detection machines, aseptic beverage capsule cup automated packaging systems, rear packaging palletizing Siasun Robot & Automation, automated grinding pulp system packaging production line digital monitoring system, ultra-high pressure sterilizers, innovative sterile lines, fully automatic servo labeling machine, RO concentrate water recovery system, etc. 8. Salt processing industry equipment. This includes salt production equipment, salt small packaging equipment, boilers, motors and intelligent equipment used in salt production, whiteness meters, titrators, etc. 9. Industrial operating system. This includes programmable logic controllers (PLC), data acquisition and monitoring control systems (SCADA), embedded software, industrial protocols, and other industrial operating system products. 10. Industrial software. This includes research and design software, production and manufacturing software, business management software, and operation and maintenance service software. 19. Textile Industry (1) Equipment renewal objectives Focus on updating old equipment and upgrading to greener solutions, particularly focusing on the renewal of new spinning, weaving, and knitting equipment, accelerating the application of automation, continuity, and green energy-saving equipment; promoting the update of polymerization, spinning, and stretching equipment, further improving the intelligence level of the chemical fiber industry; promoting the renewal of setting machines, dyeing machines, dyeing materials.The auxiliary automatic delivery system improves the energy saving and emission reduction, as well as the digitalization level of the greening in the printing and dyeing industry. By 2027, the production efficiency of the cotton spinning industry will be significantly improved, the rate of renewal and replacement of polyester filament equipment in the chemical fiber industry will be further increased, and the overall production cost of the printing and dyeing industry will be reduced by 5%-10%. It is estimated that the industry will complete the renewal of over 250,000 units of equipment, driving an investment of 250 billion yuan. () Policy and Standard Basis The main policy and standard basis include but are not limited to: "GB/T37393-2019 General Technical Requirements for Digital Workshop," "GB/T41257-2022 Functional Safety Requirements for Digital Workshop," "GB/T43018.1-2023 Textile Equipment Interconnection and Interoperability Part 1: General Technical Requirements," "FZ/T01002-2010 Method for Calculating Comprehensive Energy Consumption and Basic Quota for Printing and Dyeing Enterprises," and other standards. () Key Directions 1. Cotton textile equipment. Mainly includes equipment such as fine spinning machines, carding machines, combers, automatic winding machines, etc., as well as short process spinning equipment like rotor spinning; weaving machines, shuttle looms, sizing machines, and warping machines. 2. Chemical fiber filament equipment. Mainly includes high-speed spinning machines, drawing machines, texturing machines, forming machines, drying machines, water jet looms, and warping machines, with 15 short-fiber chemical fiber production lines being upgraded. 3. Textile dyeing and finishing equipment. Mainly includes equipment such as washing machines, dyeing machines, digital printing machines, forming machines, circular machines (including sock machines), warp knitting machines, and computerized flat knitting machines, with 1500 production lines being renovated. 4. Industrial operating systems. Following the principle of "advancing the replacement of mature available products comprehensively, while continuously updating basic available products in batches," promote the replacement and upgrading of industrial operating system products such as programmable logic controllers (PLC), data acquisition and supervisory control systems (SCADA), embedded software, industrial protocols, etc. 5. Industrial software. Following the principle of "replacing batches as they mature," update and develop research and design software, production and manufacturing software, business management software, and maintenance service software. Twenty, Light Industry () Equipment Renewal Targets Focusing on the renewal of old equipment, upgrading to intelligent and green solutions, promote the updating of key production and inspection equipment in key light industries such as household appliances, leather, paper, hardware products, plastic products, electric bicycles, batteries, daily ceramics, etc., and the application of high-speed, high-precision, automated, and intelligent control equipment, high-efficiency equipment, etc. By 2027, it is expected that the industry will complete the renewal of over 100,000 units of equipment, driving an estimated investment of 200 billion RMB, significantly increasing the automation level and digitalization rate of key equipment in the light industry, significantly reducing production costs and energy consumption, and greatly improving production efficiency. () Policy and Standard Basis The main policy and standard basis include but are not limited to: "Industry Standard Conditions for Electric Bicycles," "Industry Standard Conditions for Lead-acid Batteries," "Industry Standard Conditions for Leather Manufacturing," "Industry Standard Conditions for Daily Glassware," and other industry management systems. Standards for water intake such as "GB/T18916.5-2022 Part 5: Paper Products" and "GB/T18916.55-2021 Part 55: Leather," as well as digital standards like "GB/T37393-2019 General Technical Requirements for Digital Workshop," "GB/T41256-2022 Siasun Robot&Automation Manufacturing Digital Workshop Equipment Interconnection and Interoperability Specification," "GB/T41264-2022 Sheet Metal Bending Siasun Robot&Automation Safety Requirements," etc. () Key Directions 1. Household appliance industry equipment. Mainly includes high-end production equipment such as CNC bending machines, high-end punches, high-precision servo injection molding machines, high-speed placement machines, high-efficiency die-casting machines, high-speed hydraulic presses, precision electric discharge spark machines, etc.; green energy-saving equipment such as energy-saving variable frequency motors, energy-saving enamel furnaces, central melting furnaces, energy-saving industrial fans, energy-saving reflow soldering, etc.; digital and intelligent equipment such as high-end industrial Siasun Robot&Automation, intelligent AGVs, motor automated production lines, punching manipulators, intelligent testing equipment, intelligent logistics equipment. 2. Leather industry equipment. Mainly includes fully automatic intelligent marking machines, intelligent cutting machines, automatic control shoe manufacturing shaping equipment, intelligent hydraulic dehairing machines, precision splitting machines, precision skiving machines, cold bonding technology, continuous sole injection molding technology, polyurethane bottom casting technology, vulcanization process, etc., automatic molding equipment, stacking machines for hides, conveyors, feeding systems, and water-saving equipment that comply with water intake standards. 3. Paper industry equipment. Mainly includes magnetic levitation through-flow fans, permanent magnet motors, high-efficiency double-roll pulpers, high-end film transfer deinking machines, electromagnetic heating calenders, high-speed boot-type press machines, intelligent energy management systems, etc., high-end energy-saving equipment; automated conveyors, packaging and warehousing systems, fully automatic papermaking feed loading systems, etc., advanced production line equipment for single-line chemical pulping of more than 300,000 tons/year, chemical mechanical pulping of more than 100,000 tons/year, and chemical bamboo pulp of more than 100,000 tons/year, as well as water-saving equipment that meet water intake standards, etc. 4. Hardware products industry equipment. Mainly includes high-end production and testing equipment for key component processing, metal product precision processing, welding and stamping, surface treatment, dual-pole compressors, energy-saving air compressors, energy-efficient industrial kilns, automation end forming equipment, automatic loading and unloading of industrial Siasun Robot&Automation, 3D machine vision grabbing equipment, automatic wire-cutting machine tools, etc., automated and digitalized special equipment. 5. Plastic products industry equipment. Mainly includes extruders (plastic film, plastic pipes, fluoroplastics, etc.), foam plastic molding machines (EPS, XPS, polyurethane, etc.), plastic thermoforming machines, hollow molding machines, blow molding machines, etc., high-end equipment; automated packaging, feeding, loading, unloading equipment, online monitoring equipment, intelligent warehousing two-way stretching film equipment, etc., automation and intelligent equipment. 6. Electric bicycle industry equipment. Mainly includes automated metal part cutting, bending, welding, electrophoresis equipment, automated painting and drying equipment, electric or pneumatic assembly equipment, chassis dynamometers, frame vibration test machines, walk-in environmental test chambers, magnetic particle testers, insulation withstand voltage testers, charger testers, controller testers, cycle charge-discharge testers, water immersion test pool equipment, needle flame testers.High-end test and detection equipment such as machine, horizontal and vertical combustion tester, and hot wire tester. 3. 4.(SMT) 5. 6.Instruments such as testers, multi-axis gyroscopes calibration testing equipment, radio frequency and microwave testing instruments, sensor testing equipment, audio testing equipment, etc.3. Packaging equipment for electronic products. Mainly including color box sealing equipment, packaging Siasun Robot & Automation, Automatic Guided Vehicle (AGV), Autonomous Mobile Siasun Robot&Automation (AMR), wrapping machine, shrink wrapping machine, sealing machine, palletizing machine, automatic bagging machine, automatic boxing equipment, strapping machine, accessory packaging equipment, weighing equipment, etc. 4. Industrial operating system. Mainly including programmable logic controllers (PLC) and embedded software used in integrated production and packaging equipment such as stamping machines, cutting machines, packaging equipment, Siasun Robot & Automation, etc. Twenty-three, Electronic Components and Electronic Materials Industry (1) Equipment Upgrade Goals The focus is on the automation, intelligence, flexibility, and energy-saving transformation of production and testing equipment for electronic components and electronic materials, accelerating the development of electronic components towards miniaturization, chipization, integration, high frequency, high precision, and high reliability. Focus on key areas such as circuit components, connector components, electromechanical components, sensor components, optical communication components, key electronic materials, etc., and promote the updating of major production and testing equipment. By 2027, after the industry-wide equipment upgrade, the basic needs of China's electronic components, electronic materials industry, and related industries for high-performance, efficient, intelligent, and environmentally friendly production and testing equipment will be met, and the equipment level of leading enterprises in certain sectors will reach world-class standards. (2) Policies and Standards Key policies and standards include but are not limited to: "Specification for Printed Circuit Board Industry", "GB/T37392-2019 General Technical Conditions for Stamping Siasun Robot & Automation", "JB/T3857-2023 Transformer Special Equipment Horizontal Winding Machine", "JB/T10903.3-2008 Wire and Cable Stranding Equipment Type and Dimension Part 3: Bow Type Stranding Equipment", "QB/T4753 53 -2014 Silk Screen Printing Ink General Technical Conditions", etc. After equipment upgrades, industry products must meet the technical requirements of standards such as national military standards, national standards, etc., in the production development, testing, and certification processes, such as the requirements for chip film fixed resistors in the "GJB1423B-2009 Chip Film Fixed Resistor General Specification". (3) Key Directions 1. Electronic materials production and processing equipment. Focus on promoting high-efficiency crystal growth furnaces, vapor deposition equipment, automatic pulverizers, spray dryers, sintering furnaces, auxiliary machinery and equipment for electronic functional materials specialized production equipment; exposure equipment, development equipment, etching equipment, grinding and polishing equipment, electrochemical deposition equipment, laser drilling, printing equipment, welding equipment, etc., for encapsulation and interconnection materials specialized production equipment; high-pressure synthesis kettle, reaction kettle, stirring dispersion equipment, smelting equipment, forging equipment, CNC machining equipment, purification equipment, etc., for functional auxiliary materials production equipment; cleaning equipment, vacuum packaging equipment, water treatment systems, gas-liquid pipeline systems, etc., for general cleaning, packaging, and factory equipment customization for electronic materials production. 2. Forming equipment for key components of electronic components. Mainly to upgrade printers, injection molding machines, stamping machines, coating machines, extruders, fiber drawing equipment, electronic kilns, CNC machine tools, wire tapping machines, nail winding machines, winding machines, impregnation machines, typesetting machines, magnetizing machines, bonding machines, engraving machines, lithography equipment, thin film deposition equipment, ion implantation machines, sorting machines, probe stations, coating machines, crystal bonding machines, slicing machines, stacking machines, cooling equipment, heat exchangers, surface treatment equipment, 3D printers, etc. 3. Assembly equipment for electronic components. Mainly upgrade flip chip bonder, winding machine, wire extrusion equipment, cable forming equipment, resistance adjustment machine, frequency adjustment machine, voltage regulator, cutting machine, placement machine, welding machine, dispensing machine, filling machine, riveting machine, molding machine, leg cutting machine, insertion machine, thinning machine, sleeving machine, etc. 4. Advanced testing equipment for electronic components and materials. Mainly update visual inspection equipment, dimensional inspection equipment, tape testing machine, electrical performance testing equipment, magnetic performance testing equipment, mechanical testing equipment, thermal performance testing equipment, metallographic testing equipment, acoustic testing equipment, optical testing equipment, non-destructive testing equipment, gas chromatograph, spectrum analyzer, environmental test equipment, etc. 5. Industrial operating system. Focus on promoting the replacement of programmable logic controllers (PLC) and embedded software used in processing equipment such as crushers, slicers, cleaners, and electronic kilns in industrial operating system products. 6. Industrial software. Accelerate the use of three-dimensional design software in the design and drawing stage of electronic components special equipment. For software used in the signal analysis, electromagnetic analysis, structural analysis, stress and thermodynamic simulation analysis, etc., in the electronic component design process, prioritize non-critical processes and scenarios for pilot updates, and promote their application in critical processes and core application scenarios. Twenty-four, Lithium Battery Industry (1) Equipment Upgrade Goals Focus on promoting line iteration and upgrading and automation and intelligent transformation, improving overall line pass rate, single-machine production efficiency, equipment control accuracy, and energy utilization efficiency. Upgrade key material processing, electrode manufacturing, cell assembly, formation and capacity matching, system integration, and other key equipment. By 2027, the overall production efficiency and product qualification rate of the industry will be significantly improved, with major processes largely achieving online monitoring, meeting the high-precision, high-efficiency, and high-stability requirements of production lines, further enhancing product quality and consistency, and greatly enhancing the supply capacity of advanced products with high safety, high energy density, and long life. (2) Policies and Standards Basis Key policies and standards include but are not limited to: "Specification for Lithium Battery Industry", "GB/T38331-2019 General Technical Requirements for Lithium Ion Battery Production Equipment", "GB 31241-2022 Safety Technical Specification for Lithium Ion Batteries and Battery Packs for Portable Electronic Products", "GB40165-2021 Safety Technical Specification for Lithium Ion Batteries and Battery Packs for Fixed Electronic Equipment", "GB38031-2020 Safety Requirements for Power Batteries for Electric Vehicles", "JB/T 14231-2022""Lithium ion battery core laminating machine" and "JB/T14230-2022 Lithium ion battery electrode coating machine" etc. () () 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. (DCS)(PLC) 7.Energy infrastructure network. By 2027, the key links in the photovoltaic industry will see a significant increase in intelligent manufacturing and green manufacturing levels, with continuous improvements in production efficiency, product yield, and other performance indicators. Energy consumption indicators such as electricity and water consumption will decrease significantly, and the efficiency of mainstream batteries, components, and other products will increase by more than 5%.() The main policies and standards include but are not limited to: "Norms for the Photovoltaic Manufacturing Industry", "Clean Production Evaluation Index System for the Photovoltaic Cell Industry", "GB/T25074-2017 CECEP Solar Energy Level Polycrystalline Silicon", "GB/T12963-2022 Electronic Grade Polycrystalline Silicon" , "GB/T 35307-2023 Fluidized Bed Method Silicon Granules", "GB/T29055-2019 CECEP Solar Energy Polysilicon Slices for Cells", "GB/T26071-2018 CECEP Solar Energy Monocrystalline Silicon Slices for Cells", "GB/T 25076-2018 CECEP Solar Energy Monocrystalline Silicon for Cells", "GB/T39753-2021 General Technical Requirements for Recycling and Reuse of Photovoltaic Modules", "SJ/T11854-2022 Straight-Pull Monocrystalline Silicon Furnace for PV", "SJ/T11830-2022 Intelligent Manufacturing Data Acquisition Guide for Crystalline Silicon Photovoltaic Cells", etc. (Three) Key Directions 1. Silicon material production equipment. Meet the scale production demand for high-quality silicon materials, promote the upgrading of equipment such as 48 and above reduction furnaces, hydrogenation devices, refining devices, exhaust gas recovery devices, power supply devices, etc., improve the utilization of reduction waste heat, and reduce comprehensive energy consumption. 2. Silicon wafer production equipment. Promote the upgrading of equipment for large hot zone single crystal furnaces, efficient slicing, squaring, grinding and polishing, slicing, speeding up the application of crystal pulling intelligent control systems, to meet the production demand for high-quality silicon rods and wafers, improve cutting speed, and reduce losses and power consumption. 3. Photovoltaic cell production equipment. Promote the application of efficient equipment for cleaning, diffusion, deposition, coating, metallization, laser, etc. for high-performance cell production, improve the production efficiency and key indicators of unit capacity for high-performance photovoltaic cells. 4. Photovoltaic module production equipment. Update advanced equipment such as cutting, string welding, laminating, testing, and intelligent equipment for high-power and high-reliability photovoltaic modules, further improve production efficiency, unit capacity, effective time ratio, product yield, etc. 5. Industrial operating systems. Around the production and manufacturing of silicon materials, silicon wafers, cells, and photovoltaic modules, promote the updating of industrial operating system products such as Programmable Logic Controllers (PLC), Supervisory Control and Data Acquisition (SCADA), and embedded software. Twenty-seven, civilian explosives industry (One) Equipment Update Goals With the goal of unmanned dangerous work positions, focusing on industrial explosives, detonators, and mixed loading ground stations that have been in operation for more than 10 years after design or actual production, promote intelligent, green, and safe transformation, accelerate the update and transformation of old, inefficient, and high-risk equipment. By 2027, achieve no more than 3 on-site operators for a single industrial explosive and detonator production line, gradually promote the application of industrial explosives and detonator production lines without fixed operators, and significantly improve the industry's intelligent manufacturing level and essential safety level. (Two) Policy and Standard Basis The main policies and standards include but are not limited to: "Regulations on Safety Management of Civil Explosives Production and Sales Enterprises" GB28263-2012, "General Technical Conditions for Industrial Explosives" GB28286-2012, "Regulation on Management of Safety Use Years for Special Equipment for Civil Explosives Production" WJ9063-2010, "Industrial Digital Electronic Detonators" WJ9085-2015, etc. (Three) Key Directions 1. Industrial explosives production line equipment. Using industrial Siasun Robot&Automation, intelligent manufacturing equipment real-time monitoring and less (un)manipulation technology equipment, updating mainly includes water-oil liquid storage tanks, water-oil phase storage tanks, emulsifiers, loading machines, packaging Siasun Robot&Automation, loading Siasun Robot&Automation and various supporting pump machines. 2. Detonator production line equipment. Around the key processes of production, equipment management, safety management, quality management, warehouse logistics, etc., update mainly includes equipment such as pipe laying, loading, pressing, detonator head manufacturing, welding, coding, bundling, packing, and conveying, forming a batch of "Industrial Siasun Robot&Automation+" intelligence scenarios, optimizing the process flow and efficiently allocating resources. 3. Ground station equipment for mixed loading. Update mainly includes equipment for making emulsions, emulsifying, granular 62 ammonium nitrate-oil mixed loading manufacturing, and on-site mixed loading vehicles, to achieve a serialized, sensitivity-free, safe and environmentally friendly on-site mixed loading mode. 4. Industrial operating systems. Around the production process, equipment management and other aspects, update mainly includes industrial operating system products such as Programmable Logic Controllers (PLC), Distributed Control Systems (DCS), Supervisory Control and Data Acquisition Systems (SCADA), Safety Instrumented Systems (SIS), embedded software, etc. 5. Industrial software. Mainly includes research and development design software, production manufacturing software, management software, "Industrial Internet + Safety Production" management software, operation and maintenance service software. (Focus Areas) I. Industrial Software Field (One) Equipment Update Goals With a focus on improving the resilience and safety level of the industrial chain supply chain, around industries such as petroleum, chemical, aviation, shipping, steel, automotive, pharmaceutical, rail transportation, which are related to the economic lifeline and people's livelihood, promote the upgrading of basic software, industrial software, and industrial operating systems. In terms of basic software, the focus is on updating products such as operating systems, databases, middleware, etc. In terms of industrial software, the focus is on updating research and development design, production manufacturing, management, and operation maintenance related software such as Computer-Aided Design (CAD), Computer-Aided Engineering (CAE), Computer-Aided Manufacturing (CAM), Manufacturing Execution Systems (MES), Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP). In terms of industrial operating systems, the focus is on updating products such as Programmable Logic Controllers (PLC), Distributed Control Systems (DCS), Supervisory Control and Data Acquisition Systems (SCADA), Safety Instrumented Systems (SIS), embedded software. By 2027Complete about 2 million sets of industrial software and 800,000 sets of industrial operating system update and replacement tasks.() The main policies and standards include, but are not limited to: "Operating System Government Procurement Requirements Standard (2023 Edition)", "Database Government Procurement Requirements Standard (2023 Edition)", "GB/T 20984-2022 Information Security Technology-Information Security Risk Assessment Method", "GB/T39204-2022 Information Security Technology-Critical Information Infrastructure Security Protection Requirements", "GB/T18784-2002 CAD/CAM Data Quality", "GB/T41923.6 64-2022 Mechanical Product Three-Dimensional Process Design Part 6: Data Requirements", "GB/T35119-2017 Product Life Cycle Data Management Specification", "GB/T25109.2-2010 Enterprise Resource Planning Part 2: ERP Basic Data", "GB/T15969.6-2015 Programmable Controllers Part 6: Functional Safety", "GB/T33009.4-2016 Industrial Automation and Control System Network Security Distributed Control System (DCS) Part 4: Risk and Vulnerability Detection Requirements", "GB/T21109.3-2007 Process Industry Field Safety Instrument System Functional Safety Part 3: Guidelines for Determining the Safety Integrity Level of Requirements", "YD/T4494-2023 Industrial Internet Edge Computing Edge Node Model and Requirements Edge Gateway", etc. () 1. Basic software. Promote industries such as aviation, shipping, oil, chemical, steel, pharmaceutical, energy, electronics, etc., to comprehensively update information systems around scenarios such as comprehensive office, management, etc., focusing on the desktop computers, laptops, all-in-one computers, general servers, desktop operating systems, server operating systems, distributed databases, centralized databases, middleware, office software and hardware integration. Strengthen support for various upper-layer application systems. Encourage industrial enterprises to focus on industrial field applications, strengthen software and hardware coupling and compatibility, and focus on updating basic software and hardware such as host computers, workstations, industrial control computers, real-time databases. Promote key industry enterprises in automotive, equipment, rail transportation, power and other key industries to comprehensively update intelligent operating systems, embedded operating systems, temporal databases, message middleware and other products, and create demonstration benchmarks. 2. Industrial software. Promote key industries such as aviation, shipping, petrochemical, steel, automotive, equipment, rail transportation, electronics and key areas such as molds to comprehensively upgrade two-dimensional computer-aided design (CAD), building information modeling (BIM), computer-aided process planning (CAPP), manufacturing execution systems (MES), advanced planning and scheduling systems (APS), enterprise resource planning (ERP), supply chain management systems (SCM), human resource systems (HRM), procurement management systems, warehouse management systems (WMS), interactive electronic technical manuals (IETM), maintenance and repair (MRO), fault prediction and health management (PHM) and other software. Encourage leading enterprises in key industries to provide typical application scenarios and trial environments, establish a software test and verification platform, jointly formulate test technical rules and standards with upstream and downstream enterprises in the industrial chain, accelerate the preliminary maturity of industrial software such as computer-aided manufacturing (CAM), Product lifecycle management (PLM), structural simulation, fluid simulation, industry-specific software, etc. Encourage industrial enterprises to prioritize non-key process and non-important component scenarios for upgrading, and gradually expand the application scope in key process and component scenarios. In key industries such as aviation, petrochemical, shipping, etc., carry out pilot updates of innovative products such as three-dimensional computer-aided design (CAD), three-dimensional factory design, acoustic simulation, electromagnetic simulation, optical simulation, composite material simulation, process simulation software, reservoir transformation simulation software, and promote other industry enterprises to gradually increase the application intensity. 3. Industrial operating system. For the entire manufacturing process, promote industrial enterprises to comprehensively upgrade distributed control systems (DCS) and data acquisition and monitoring control systems (SCADA). Around key industries and key equipment, accelerate the upgrading of medium and small programmable logic controllers (PLC) step by step. Guide leading enterprises in key industries to provide typical application scenarios and trial environments for large PLCs, gradually expand the application scope. Accelerate the upgrading and upgrading of safety instrumented systems (SIS) for non-critical processes and non-core scenarios, gradually open up key processes and core application scenarios. Around the needs of key industries, establish a test and verification environment, strengthen software and hardware compatibility verification, and accelerate the upgrading and upgrading of embedded operating systems, industrial real-time databases and other products. For other industry-specific industrial operating system products, strengthen demonstration and guidance for mature and available products, comprehensively promote upgrades and upgrades; for basic available products, strengthen test verification, mature in batches, and gradually expand the scope and scale of upgrades. Guide enterprises to introduce cloud computing, virtualization, edge computing and other technologies, and upgrade programmable logic controllers (PLC), distributed control systems (DCS) and other equipment as needed. II. Industrial Network Equipment 1. Equipment upgrade goals To build a secure and controllable new industrial network system, accelerate the large-scale application of the industrial Internet, promote the transformation and upgrading of manufacturing industry towards "intelligent transformation, digitalization, networking, and connection", and promote the network transformation and upgrading of industrial equipment, industrial networks, industrial computing power, and industrial control systems in industries such as automobiles, steel, light industry, engineering machinery, building materials, shipping, consumer electronics, aviation, petrochemicals, consumer goods, etc. By 2027, strive to achieve basic network transformation for 80% of large-scale manufacturing enterprises, deploy over 1 million units of edge gateways, edge controllers, etc., and have more than 20,000 projects of "5G+industrial Internet". 2. Policy and standard basis The main policy and standard basis include but not limited to: "GB/T26790 Industrial Wireless Network WIA Specification", "GB/T36417 Full Distributed Industrial Control Network" series of standards, "GB/T42021-2022 Industrial Internet Overall Network"..."Network Architecture" "YD/T4492-2023 Industrial Internet Time-Sensitive Network Technology Requirements" "GB/T30094-2013 Industrial Ethernet Switch Technology Specification" "YD/T4443-2023 Industrial Internet Interconnection Technology Requirements for Passive Optical Network (PON) Equipment" "YD/T4494-2023 Industrial Internet Edge Computing Edge Node Model and Requirements Edge Gateway" "YD/T 4097-2022 Internet of Things Information Model Overall Framework" "GB/T38869-2020 OPUCUA-based Digital Workshop Interconnected Network Architecture".(3) Key Directions 1. Upgrading industrial equipment networking. Comprehensive use of technologies such as industrial buses, industrial Ethernet, 5G, Time-Sensitive Networking (TSN), Internet Protocol version 6 (IPv6), Advanced Physical Layer (APL), Wi-Fi, etc., to accelerate the networking and intelligent transformation and upgrading of industrial field equipment, instruments, meters, and automatic identification devices, comprehensively improve the networking rate and data collection efficiency of industrial equipment, and accelerate equipment replacement and upgrades. 2. Upgrading industrial network transformation. Using technologies such as Industrial Optical Network (PON), TSN, 5G, Wi-Fi 6, etc., to upgrade enterprise network infrastructure with high bandwidth and high determinism, deploying new industrial routers, switches, gateways, network management systems, identification middleware, and integrated devices and systems, to create a secure and controllable network infrastructure for intelligent upgrades in production, manufacturing, warehousing logistics, research, and design. Promote the construction of 5G factories, supporting industrial enterprises with good foundation, strong capabilities, and demand to build 5G industrial private networks. 3. Enhancing industrial data integration capabilities. Using technologies such as information models, identification resolution, etc., to comprehensively enhance the capabilities of industrial data collection, storage, management, and application, achieve standardized management of the entire industrial lifecycle, and support cross-vendor and cross-system data interoperability. 4. Upgrading industrial operating systems. Guiding enterprises to deploy integrated industrial equipment with advanced communication modules such as embedded 5G, TSN, and utilizing technologies such as 5G/5G-A, edge computing, etc., to achieve IP-based, intelligent, and wireless transformation of traditional industrial operating systems (such as programmable logic controllers PLC, distributed control systems DCS, etc.), improving the automation, intelligence, and centralization of enterprise production sites. 5. Enhancing edge computing capabilities. Collaborating with the transformation and upgrade of industrial networks, industrial computing power, industrial data equipment, and systems, deploying edge computing nodes, edge computing gateways, edge controllers, edge clouds, and other industrial computing equipment, building the Jian she Industry Group Smart Computing Center, forming a computing infrastructure covering the entire production, control, and operation processes, supporting the deployment of industrial artificial intelligence, industrial big data, and innovative applications of industrial big models. Three, Green Energy-saving Equipment (1) Equipment Upgrade Goals Focused on improving resource and energy utilization efficiency, upgrading and transforming key energy-using equipment such as motors and their systems, transformers, industrial boilers, comprehensive utilization equipment for industrial solid waste and recycled resources, and key water-using equipment such as cooling towers. By 2027, the proportion of new efficient motors, transformers, and industrial boilers will increase by 10, 10, and 15 percentage points, respectively, compared to 2023; through the transformation and upgrading of industrial solid waste and recycled resource utilization technology and equipment, the comprehensive utilization rate of bulk industrial solid waste will be increased by over 57%, and the comprehensive utilization capacity of bulk industrial solid waste and recycled resources will be increased by approximately 20 million tons annually; through the transformation of water-using equipment such as cooling towers, the drift rate of industrial cooling towers will not exceed 0.005%, the drift rate of civil cooling towers will not exceed 0.01%, and water-saving efficiency will be increased by over 10%. (2) Policy and Standard Basis Key standards include but are not limited to: "Advanced Level, Energy-saving Level and Access Level of Key Energy-using Products and Equipment (2024 Edition)", "Benchmark Level and Baseline Level of Energy Efficiency in Key Industries (2023 Edition)", "National Catalog of Advanced and Applicable Process Technology Equipment for Industrial Resource Integration Utilization", and other policy documents. Motors are based on standards such as "GB18613-2020 Motor Efficiency Limits and Efficiency Grades", "GB30253-2013 Permanent Magnet Synchronous Motor Efficiency Limits and Efficiency Grades", "GB30254-2013 High-voltage Three-phase Squirrel-cage Asynchronous Motor Efficiency Limits and Efficiency Grades", transformers are based on "GB20052-2020 Power Transformer Efficiency Limits and Efficiency Grades", and industrial boilers are based on "GB24500-2020 Industrial Boiler Efficiency Limits and Efficiency Grades", and other energy-saving related standards. Key industry pollutant emission standards and water-saving related standards such as "GB/T7190.1-2018 Mechanically Ventilated Cooling Tower Part 1 Small and Medium-sized Open Cooling Tower", "GB/T7190.2-2018 Mechanically Ventilated Cooling Tower Part 2 Large Open Cooling Tower", "GB/T7190.3-2018 Mechanically Ventilated Cooling Tower Part 3 Closed Cooling Tower", and "GB/T39753-2021 General Technical Requirements for Recycling and Reuse of Photovoltaic Modules", "GB/T38470-2023 Recycled Brass Materials", "GB/T38471-2023 Recycled Copper Materials", "GB/T13586-2021 Aluminium Recycling", and other resource utilization related standards. (3) Key Directions 1. Motors and their systems. Promote the application of high-efficiency energy-saving motors and their systems, strengthen energy-saving and carbon reduction transformations and operational control optimizations for motor-driven equipment such as fans, pumps, compressors, etc. Promote technologies such as energy consumption monitoring and remote operation for high-power motors and their systems, frequency conversion speed regulation, permanent magnet direct drive, industrial servos, and technologies for matching the operation of motors with driving equipment systems. Promote high-efficiency energy-saving variable frequency permanent magnet motors, high-efficiency asynchronous motors, synchronous reluctance motors, low-speed high-torque direct drive motors, magnetic levitation motors, and industrial servo motors. 2. Transformers. Promote high-efficiency energy-saving three-dimensional wound core transformers, amorphous alloy transformers, energy-saving high-impedance transformers, and environmentally friendly insulated oil transformers. Promote high-efficiency transformers in wind power, photovoltaics, energy storage, electric power electronic transformers, smart transformers, pre-installed substations, highly integrated inverter transformers, converter transformers, integrated charging stations, and reactive power compensation devices integrated machines. Promote energy-saving technologies such as transformer operation control optimization, online energy-saving monitoring and diagnosis, and intelligent operation and maintenance management. 3. Industrial boilers. Promote condensing gas boilers, high-efficiency and environmentally friendly biomass boilers, electric heating boilers, industrial electric heat storage boilers, heat storage electric heating boilers, waste heat boilers, etc., promote the coupling of boilers with CECEP Solar Energy, waste heat, electricity, and other complementary technologies. Strengthen the coupling utilization of boilers and heat pump products, promote the application of efficient heat pump productionRecycle waste heat from industries, achieve diversification of energy sources, large-scale coal-fired boilers, condensation of gas-fired boilers, and transformation and upgrading of industrial boiler electrification.4. Industrial solid waste reduction equipment. Targeting the production process and equipment of complex and difficult-to-use solid waste such as red mud, phosphogypsum, as well as bulk industrial solid waste such as fly ash and smelting slag, reducing the amount of industrial solid waste generated through technological transformation and equipment updates. 5. Industrial solid waste comprehensive utilization equipment. Targeting the comprehensive utilization production process and equipment of complex and difficult-to-use solid waste such as red mud, phosphogypsum, as well as bulk industrial solid waste such as fly ash and smelting slag, improving the efficiency of resource utilization through technological transformation and equipment updates. This includes industrial solid waste efficient intelligent crushing, grinding, sorting, energy-saving calcination and drying, rapid molding, low-cost maintenance, low-cost alkaline reduction for red mud, efficient purification for phosphogypsum, and efficient extraction of valuable elements from industrial solid waste. 6. Comprehensive utilization equipment for recycled resources. Targeting recycled resources such as waste steel, waste copper-aluminum, waste paper, waste plastic, and waste tires, promoting automated dismantling, fine sorting, high-value regeneration, and improving the efficiency of resource utilization through process improvements and equipment updates, promoting the rational extension of the recycled resources processing industry chain. 7. Cooling tower equipment. Promoting the overall renovation of cooling tower devices, including the transformation of components such as fillers, water collectors, power components, frameworks (steel structures, concrete, fiberglass), as well as the transformation of the supply and water quality intelligent control of the circulating water system, focusing on updating and upgrading old cooling tower equipment with more than 10 years of service. IV. Safety Emergency Equipment (1) Equipment Update Goals With the focus on improving the intrinsic safety level of industrial enterprises, according to the requirements of coordinating and guiding the promotion of safety emergency technology achievements in the industrial and information fields, and guiding key industries to investigate and rectify hidden dangers, in industries with frequent and serious production safety accidents such as petrochemicals, steel, ships, light industry, non-ferrous metals, lithium batteries, automobiles, engineering machinery, and building materials, a four-class equipment update plan will be implemented for safety emergency monitoring and warning, industrial fire protection systems and equipment, safety emergency intelligent equipment, and advanced individual protective equipment. By 2027, the intrinsic safety level of enterprises in the above-mentioned industries will be significantly improved, and the overall safety risk monitoring capability, emergency incident response capability, intelligent level of key positions, and personnel safety assurance capability of industrial enterprises will be notably enhanced. (2) Policy and Standard Basis The main policies and standard basis include but are not limited to: "Guiding Catalog for Industrial Structure Adjustment (2024 Edition)", "List of Elimination of Outdated Dangerous Chemical Safety Production Processes and Equipment (Second Batch)", "GB55036-2022 General Specification for Fire Facilities", "GB55037-2022 General Specification for Building Fire Protection", "GB55016-2021 General Specification for Building Environment", "GB55024-2022 General Specification for Building Electrical and Intelligentization", "GB55029-2022 General Specification for Safety Precaution Engineering", "GB50160-2008 Design Protection Standard for Petrochemical Enterprises" (revised in 2019), "GB50040-2020 Basic Design Standard for Power Machinery Foundations", "GB39800.1-2020 Standard for Equipment Allocation of Individual Protective Equipment Part 1: General Principles", "GB/T23809.1-2020 Principles and Requirements for Emergency Guidance System Part 1: Inside Buildings", "GB29837-2013 Maintenance and Scraping of Fire Detection Alarm Products", "GB15322.1-2019 Part 1: Industrial Combustible Gas Detector", "GB30077-2023 Requirements for Emergency Response Supplies for Hazardous Chemical Units", etc. (3) Key Directions 1. Safety emergency monitoring and warning equipment. Targeting key production processes in industries such as petrochemicals, ships, steel, non-ferrous metals, engineering machinery, lithium batteries, etc., accelerating the application of safety risk perception, intelligent monitoring, and warning technology and equipment. Systems and equipment include dynamic monitoring of safe production and storage processes of hazardous chemicals, fire risk monitoring and warning, electrical fire monitoring and warning, lightning monitoring and warning, toxic and hazardous and flammable and explosive material monitoring and warning, industrial dust monitoring and warning, deformation and landslide monitoring and warning in buildings, hazardous operations monitoring and warning, and safety monitoring of large lifting machinery. 2. Industrial fire protection systems and equipment. Targeting industries such as petrochemicals, ships, steel, non-ferrous metals, light industry, automobiles, etc., speeding up the upgrading and replacement of firefighting facilities, fire trucks, and fire equipment in enterprises. Systems include fire hydrant systems, water spray systems, foam firefighting systems, gas firefighting systems, dry powder firefighting systems, smoke exhaust systems, emergency evacuation signs and lighting systems, and advanced equipment applications such as mobile firefighting cannons, all-terrain firefighting Siasun Robot&Automation, high-power fire extinguishing and washing equipment, intelligent fire extinguishing equipment for large tank fires, explosion-proof systems, and dust collection devices. 3. Safety emergency intelligent equipment. For hazardous operations environments such as high-temperature and high-pressure production, high-altitude operations, limited space operations, promote the application of automatic welding, transportation, rust removal, disinfection, high-altitude clearance automation equipment, as well as inspection, search, reconnaissance automation equipment, drones, accelerating the deployment of unmanned rescue equipment for complex scenarios, and promoting the use of intelligent virtual safety emergency exercise equipment. 4. Advanced individual protective equipment. For production safety and individual safety protection needs in industries such as petrochemicals, ships, building materials, steel, engineering machinery, etc., promote the update and allocation of individual safety protection and self-rescue equipment, such as safety helmets, gas masks, protective clothing, safety boots, chemical-resistant gloves, emergency kits. Strengthen the allocation of personal protective equipment for dedicated rescue personnel in enterprises, such as positive-pressure air respirators, intelligent helmets, fire-resistant suits, etc. This article is excerpted from the official website of the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology, edited by GMTEight: Jiang Yuanhua.
