HK Stock Market Move | XD INC (02400) rose over 8% in early trading. The ranking of "Heartbeat Town" on the iPhone game bestseller list is showing an upward trend.

GMT Eight
XD INC (02400) rose more than 8% in the morning session, rising 7.75% to HKD 20.15 as of press time, with a turnover of HKD 37.1582 million. On the news front, Qimai Data shows that XD INC's "Heart Town" iPhone game has been ranking between 29-45 on the bestseller list in the past week, showing an upward trend. Guoyuan pointed out that the company focuses on self-developed game products, reducing costs and improving efficiency, and enhancing commercialization levels. With the continuous launch of self-developed products contributing to revenue, the growth in TapTap platform users and distribution efficiency is driving advertising revenue growth. Open Source Securities also noted that in the first half of the year, "Set off for Muffin" became the company's largest revenue-contributing game, with overseas revenue in 2024H1 reaching 618 million RMB, a year-on-year increase of 65%. "Set off for Muffin" in Hong Kong, Macau, and Taiwan services significantly contributed to the revenue growth in the first half of the year. The mainland China service of "Set off for Muffin" went live on May 15th, with potential deferred revenue, expected to contribute to performance growth in the second half of the year. In addition, "Heart Town" went live on July 17th, "Riran Sword" international service went live in August, "Set off for Muffin" Korean service will go live on September 11th, and "Set off for Muffin" Japanese service and other overseas areas will also go live in the second half of 2024. The continuous launch of new games is expected to continue driving the company's performance growth.
