Director Zhang Lixiang of Guangzhou Shiyuan Electronic Technology (002841.SZ) was issued a warning letter for short-term trading and regulatory measures were taken.

GMT Eight
Information from the Intelligent Finance App, Guangzhou Shiyuan Electronic Technology (002841.SZ) announced that the company recently received a decision from the Guangdong branch of the China Securities Regulatory Commission to issue a warning letter to Zhang Lixiang. It was found that Zhang Lixiang, as a supervisor of the company, allowed her spouse Jiang Yun to trade the company's stocks through her securities account from June 26 to August 2, 2024, resulting in buying and selling within six months. During this period, a total of 18,000 shares were purchased with a total transaction amount of 506,300 yuan, while a total of 11,000 shares were sold with a total transaction amount of 326,900 yuan. According to Article 44 of the Securities Law of the People's Republic of China, the above behavior constitutes short-term trading. In accordance with Article 170 of the Securities Law, the Guangdong Securities Regulatory Bureau has decided to issue a warning letter as an administrative oversight measure.
