The ban has been lifted? Musk's X platform unexpectedly "resurrects" in Brazil.

GMT Eight
The Brazilian Internet Providers Association announced on Wednesday that Elon Musk's social media platform X had bypassed Brazil's ban on social media networks by automatically updating its software. After a conflict with Musk, a Supreme Court judge in Brazil had ordered the platform to be blocked last month, and many people in the country suddenly regained access to the platform overnight. On Wednesday, Brazilian users found the X platform on their phones suddenly functioning normally, leading them to speculate whether the injunction had been lifted. Later that day, the Brazilian Internet and Telecommunications Providers Association (ABRINT) explained that in its update, X had changed its structure and started using IP addresses associated with the San Francisco cybersecurity company Cloudflare. This internet infrastructure provider works with millions of websites to help route traffic. ABRINT stated in a press release that the change in X's structure "made blocking the application more complex." The organization explained that the previous system used specific IP addresses that internet companies could identify the source of the data from. ABRINT also added that many of the IP addresses currently used by X are "shared with other legitimate services such as banks and major internet platforms, making it impossible to block the IP without affecting other services". X platform stated that the restoration of access in Brazil was "unintentional and temporary", caused by the change of network provider after being banned in the country. A spokesperson for X said in a statement, "While we expect the platform to be inaccessible in Brazil again soon, we will continue to work with the Brazilian government to restore service to the Brazilian people as soon as possible." Cloudflare declined to comment. The Supreme Court did not respond to requests for comment, but local media reported that the Court had asked the Brazilian telecommunications regulator Anatel to explain the unauthorized return of X. Anatel stated in a press release that it "continues to monitor the blocking order, and the monitoring results are reported directly to the Supreme Court." In August of this year, following Musk's refusal to appoint a legal representative in Brazil and restrictions on certain accounts, Supreme Court judge Alexandre de Moraes banned X, leading a campaign against fake news and hate speech. Musk tried to portray the judge's efforts as a dangerous example of state overreach and an attack on freedom of speech, while supporters of Moraes argued that the campaign was necessary for cleaning up the internet. Earlier on Wednesday, the Brazilian telecommunications regulator Anatel stated that the Supreme Court's decision to ban X remains unchanged.
