Nanjing Red Sun (000525.SZ) stock trading has been subject to delisting risk warning and continues to implement other risk warnings. The stock will be suspended from trading for one day on September 18th.

GMT Eight
Nanjing Red Sun (000525.SZ) announced that due to the ruling of the Nanjing Intermediate People's Court accepting the company's restructuring, in accordance with the Shenzhen Stock Exchange Stock Listing Rules (revised in 2024), the company's stock will be suspended from trading for one day starting on September 18, 2024, and will resume trading starting on September 19, 2024. According to Rule 9.4.1(9) of the Stock Listing Rules, the company's stock will be subject to "Risk Warning of Delisting" and continue to implement "Other Risk Warnings" starting from the resumption of trading on September 19, 2024. The stock abbreviation will be changed from "Nanjing Red Sun" to "*ST Hongyang", the stock code will remain as "000525", and the daily trading limit for the stock will still be 5%.
