Yunnan Nantian Electronics Information (000948.SZ) is planning to issue A-shares to specific targets to raise funds of no more than 650 million yuan.

GMT Eight
Yunnan Nantian Electronics Information (000948.SZ) announced that, in order to meet the needs of the company's business development, further optimize the company's capital structure, and promote the sustainable development of the company, the company is planning to issue A shares to specific targets in accordance with relevant laws and regulations such as the Company Law, Securities Law, and Administrative Measures for the Registration of Securities Issued by Listed Companies. The target of this issuance includes not more than 35 specific targets who meet the conditions specified by the China Securities Regulatory Commission, including the company's controlling shareholder Yunnan Industrial Investment Holdings Group Co., Ltd. (referred to as "Investment Group"). The total amount of funds raised through the issuance of A shares to specific targets this time is not more than 650 million yuan. Investment Group intends to subscribe for 200 million yuan worth of shares in this issuance. The issuance of shares to specific targets in this transaction is considered a related party transaction and does not constitute a major asset restructuring. This issuance of shares to specific targets will not result in a change in the company's controlling shareholder and actual controller.
