Kaiser (002425.SZ) stock trading is subject to other risk warnings and will be suspended for one day on September 18.

GMT Eight
Kaiser (002425.SZ) issued an announcement that the company recently received a "Notice of Administrative Penalty Prior Notification" (No. [2024] 24) from the Guangdong Regulatory Bureau of the China Securities Regulatory Commission. According to the Shenzhen Stock Exchange Listing Rules Article 9.8.1, it states: "In the event that a listed company meets any of the following circumstances, the Exchange shall implement other risk warnings for its stock trading: (8) If the facts stated in the Administrative Penalty Prior Notification issued by the China Securities Regulatory Commission show that the financial indicators disclosed in the company's annual report are falsely recorded, but do not meet the requirements of Article 9.5.2 of these Rules, the aforementioned financial indicators include operating income, total profit, net profit, assets or liabilities in the balance sheet." The Shenzhen Stock Exchange will implement other risk warnings for the company's stock. The company's stock will be suspended from trading for one day starting from September 18, 2024 (Wednesday), and will resume trading starting from September 19, 2024 (Thursday). The company's stock will be subject to other risk warnings starting from September 19, 2024 (Thursday), with the stock abbreviation changing from "Kaiser" to "ST Kevin"; the stock code remains "002425"; and the trading limit for the stock price movement remains at 5%.

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