OpenAI announced on Friday the allocation of 6.5 billion dollars in financing: Microsoft and Nvidia compete for tickets, while Sequoia misses out on a good opportunity!

GMT Eight
According to informed sources, the leading artificial intelligence company OpenAI is about to complete its latest round of financing, with potential investors set to confirm their participation in the investment by this Friday. As of now, the company's funding target of 6.5 billion dollars has far exceeded expectations, indicating that investors' enthusiasm for participating in this round of financing has exceeded OpenAI's planned acceptance range. Due to the sensitive nature of the information, these sources have chosen to remain anonymous. It is reported that there is an excess subscription demand amounting to billions of dollars, meaning that some investors may receive news on Friday that they have not been selected. Although OpenAI has not commented on the matter, there are signs that several heavyweight strategic investors, including Microsoft, Nvidia, and Apple, are likely to be granted investment rights. The valuation of OpenAI in this financing round is about 150 billion dollars, excluding the newly injected funds. It is worth noting that this valuation is much higher than the company's earlier valuation of 86 billion dollars in previous financing rounds. Additionally, at least one prominent existing investorSequoia Capitalwill not be participating in this financing round. Sequoia Capital recently shifted its support to a competitor company called Safe Superintelligence Inc., newly founded by OpenAI's co-founder Ilya Sutskever, who left OpenAI led by Sam Altman earlier this year. On the other hand, existing investor Thrive Capital is leading this round of financing with plans to invest 1.25 billion dollars. Thrive Capital has also not commented on this news. Overall, OpenAI's latest round of financing demonstrates the market's high confidence in its artificial intelligence technology, while also reflecting investors' high expectations for the future potential of this field. Although some investors may not be able to participate, the successful financing of OpenAI will undoubtedly further drive its innovation and development in the field of artificial intelligence.
