China Iron and Steel Association: In early September, the average daily crude steel production of steel enterprises was 1.936 million tons, an increase of 2.7% compared to the previous month.

GMT Eight
On September 14, the China Iron and Steel Industry Association released a report on the production of key steel companies in early September 2024. The data shows that in early September 2024, the key statistical steel companies produced 19.36 million tons of crude steel, with an average daily output of 1.936 million tons, an increase of 2.7% compared to the previous period; 17.83 million tons of pig iron, with an average daily output of 1.783 million tons, an increase of 1.6% compared to the previous period; and 18.65 million tons of steel, with an average daily output of 1.865 million tons, a decrease of 4.6% compared to the previous period. Based on this estimation, the daily crude steel production in the country for the first ten days of the month is 2.63 million tons, an increase of 2.0% compared to the previous period, daily pig iron production is 2.24 million tons, an increase of 1.2%, and daily steel production is 3.78 million tons, a decrease of 1.4%. Regional Situation: (1) Crude Steel Production In the first ten days of September, among the six major regions, the key statistical enterprises in North China, Southwest China, and East China saw varying degrees of increase in daily crude steel production compared to the previous period, while the other regions saw a decrease. Specifically: In North China, daily crude steel production increased by 3.8 million tons (6.0%), mainly due to a increase of 3.4 million tons (8.1%) in Hebei Province, an increase of 2.1 million tons (80.7%) in Tianjin, and a decrease of 1.4 million tons (10.1%) in Shanxi Province. In Southwest China, daily crude steel production increased by 0.6 million tons (5.5%), mainly due to a increase of 0.6 million tons (52.3%) in Chongqing. In East China, daily crude steel production increased by 2.3 million tons (4.3%), mainly due to an increase of 1.8 million tons (35.5%) in Jiangxi Province. In Northwest China, daily crude steel production decreased by 0.6 million tons (6.3%), mainly due to a decrease of 0.5 million tons (22.1%) in Xinjiang Autonomous Region. In Central and Southern China, as well as Northeast China, daily crude steel production decreased by 1.1 million tons (3.8%) and 0.2 million tons (0.8%) respectively, with decreases of less than 5%. (2) Pig Iron Production In the first ten days of September, among the six major regions, the key statistical enterprises in North China and Southwest China saw varying degrees of increase in daily pig iron production compared to the previous period, while the other regions saw a decrease. Specifically: In North China, daily pig iron production increased by 5.8 million tons (10.0%), mainly due to an increase of 3.7 million tons (9.5%) in Hebei Province, and an increase of 2.0 million tons (83.3%) in Tianjin. In Southwest China, daily pig iron production increased by 0.3 million tons (3.0%), mainly due to an increase of 0.3 million tons (24.7%) in Chongqing. In Northwest China, daily pig iron production decreased by 0.6 million tons (7.9%), mainly due to a decrease of 0.4 million tons (21.4%) in Xinjiang Autonomous Region, and a decrease of 0.2 million tons (8.3%) in Shaanxi Province. In East China, daily pig iron production decreased by 1.6 million tons (3.0%), mainly due to a decrease of 1.8 million tons (8.4%) in Jiangsu Province. In Central and Southern China, daily pig iron production decreased by 0.8 million tons (3.0%) and 0.3 million tons (1.7%) respectively, with decreases of less than 5%. (3) Steel Production In the first ten days of September, daily steel production increased for key statistical enterprises in Southwest China, while the other regions saw varying degrees of decrease. Specifically: In Northeast China, daily steel production decreased by 2.3 million tons (12.3%), mainly due to a decrease of 2.0 million tons (13.3%) in Liaoning Province. In Central and Southern China, daily steel production decreased by 3.2 million tons (10.1%), with decreases in Hunan Province, Guangdong Province, Henan Province, and Hubei Province. In Northwest China, daily steel production decreased by 0.5 million tons (5.5%), mainly due to a decrease of 0.5 million tons (19.6%) in Shaanxi Province. In North China, daily steel production decreased by 2.2 million tons (3.2%), with decreases in Shanxi Province and Hebei Province. In East China, daily steel production decreased by 1.2 million tons (2.1%), with decreases in Fujian Province, Shandong Province, and Anhui Province. In Southwest China, daily steel production increased by 0.3 million tons (2.7%), mainly due to an increase in Chongqing.
