National Development and Reform Commission: Promote the orderly charging of new energy vehicles and expand the scale of vehicle-to-grid (V2G) projects.

GMT Eight
According to the announcement from the National Development and Reform Commission on September 10th, the office of the National Development and Reform Commission and other departments issued a notice on promoting the pilot work of scale application of vehicle-grid interaction. It mentions that, following the principle of "innovation guidance, pioneering and trial", it will comprehensively promote orderly charging of new energy vehicles, expand the scale of Vehicle-to-Grid (V2G) projects, enrich the application scenarios of vehicle-grid interaction, improve the policy mechanism for scale and sustainable vehicle-grid interaction with cities as the main body, explore advanced technology and clear replicable business models based on V2G projects, and strive to guide the scale development of vehicle-grid interaction through market-based mechanisms. The participating pilot areas should fully implement peak-valley time-of-use electricity prices, strive to concentrate 60% or more of the annual charging electricity in the off-peak period, with 80% or more of the electricity charged through private piles concentrated in the off-peak period. The total discharge power of the V2G project in the pilot area should be no less than 500 kilowatts, with an annual discharge capacity of no less than 100,000 kilowatt-hours, and this requirement can be appropriately reduced in the western regions. It also mentions leveraging the incentive role of the power market. Gradually improve the trading rules for aggregating vehicle-grid interaction resources to participate in the power market, promote the scale and normalized participation of charging loads in the power market transactions, support exploration of business models for load aggregation participants in the power market, promote the cultivation of various new formats of entities in the power market, and gradually form a load aggregation business model with clear models, stable development, and promotion conditions. Encourage V2G projects to participate in power spot, green power trading, and energy storage capacity leasing markets to verify the equivalent energy storage potential of V2G resources. The text above is an announcement regarding the promotion of the pilot work of scale application of vehicle-grid interaction issued by the National Development and Reform Commission.Institutions recommend cities in the local area that are interested in participating in the scale application of vehicle-to-grid (V2G) projects. In principle, each province (region, city) should recommend no more than one city, while relatively mature regions such as the Yangtze River Delta, Pearl River Delta, Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei-Shandong, Sichuan-Chongqing may be allowed to recommend up to two cities. In principle, each province (region, city) should recommend no more than five V2G projects (no more than one swapping project), with each project being a dispersed facility collection of the same implementing entity in the same city.(2) The departments responsible for the development of charging facilities in each province (region, city) are requested to compile relevant materials according to the requirements of the annex, and send the paper version with official seal before October 31, 2024 to the Electricity Department of the National Energy Administration. The National Development and Reform Commission, the National Energy Administration, the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology, and the State Administration for Market Regulation will organize expert reviews in a timely manner and select no less than 5 cities with good development foundations, strong policy support, and significant driving effects, as well as no less than 50 V2G projects to be included in this pilot scope. (3) The departments responsible for the development of charging facilities at all levels must strictly implement their main responsibilities, intensify coordination with relevant departments, actively innovate policy mechanisms and regulatory methods, and encourage related enterprises to explore new technologies, ShenZhen New Industries Biomedical Engineering, new formats, and new models for vehicle-grid interactions. Provincial price regulatory departments should study and improve supporting electricity pricing policies such as peak-valley time-of-use pricing; electricity operation management departments should gradually improve demand-response mechanisms; dispatched agencies of the National Energy Administration should promote the improvement of market access conditions and trading rules within their jurisdiction, enrich electricity trading varieties, leverage the synergies of market mechanisms and electricity pricing policies, and support the development of vehicle-grid interaction initiatives. (4) The National Development and Reform Commission, the National Energy Administration, the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology, and the State Administration for Market Regulation will coordinate and guide the pilot application of vehicle-grid interaction at scale in various provinces (regions, cities), and work together with local relevant departments to address practical issues, and timely promote typical experiences and mature models nationwide. Office of the National Development and Reform Commission, Comprehensive Department of the National Energy Administration, Office of the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology, Office of the State Administration for Market Regulation August 23, 2024 This article is selected from the National Development and Reform Commission, translation by GMTEight, Editor: Chen Wenfang.
