Hanjia Design Group (300746.SZ) is planning to purchase assets and change ownership control. Trading will be suspended starting from September 9th.

GMT Eight
Hanjia Design Group (300746.SZ) announced that the company is currently planning to acquire assets. They intend to purchase a total of 51.00% of the equity held by the shareholders of Suzhou Fute Information Technology Co., Ltd. ("Fute Technology"). After the completion of this transaction, Fute Technology will become a subsidiary of the company. The company recently received a notice from its controlling shareholder Zhejiang City Construction Group Co., Ltd. ("City Construction Group") regarding the planned change in control of the listed company. City Construction Group plans to transfer 29.9998% of the company's equity held by City Construction Group to Suzhou Tailian Zhixin Investment Management Partnership Enterprise (Limited Partnership) ("Tailian Zhixin"). Upon completion of the above-mentioned transactions, Tailian Zhixin will obtain 29.9998% of the company's shares, and the company's controlling shareholder and actual controller will change. This matter also involves approval from relevant authorities. The ultimate controllers of Fute Technology are Shen Gang and Cheng Zhuo, while Tailian Zhixin is a partnership enterprise jointly invested by Shen Gang and Cheng Zhuo, with Cheng Zhuo as the managing partner. As this matter constitutes a significant event for the company and still carries uncertainties, in order to ensure fair information disclosure, protect the interests of investors, and avoid abnormal fluctuations in the company's stock price, the company has applied to the Shenzhen Stock Exchange to suspend trading of its stock starting from September 9, 2024 (Monday) for a period not exceeding 2 trading days.

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