National Healthcare Security Administration: accelerate the promotion of the new batch of national centralized procurement of high-value medical consumables, including cochlear implants and other high-value medical consumables, into the procurement scope.

GMT Eight
On August 30th, Shi Zihai, member of the Party group of the National Medical Insurance Administration and deputy director, led a team to Tianjin to investigate the centralized procurement of high-value medical consumables organized by the state. Shi Zihai pointed out that it is necessary to accelerate the progress of the new batch of centralized procurement of high-value medical consumables organized by the state, include high-value medical consumables such as cochlear implants in the procurement scope, fully consider the consumables market and clinical characteristics, and research and improve the procurement rules on a case-by-case basis. It is necessary to ensure the implementation of the results of the selection of the fourth batch of consumables procurement and the renewal of the agreement for artificial joint procurement when the agreement expires, ensure that the selected products enter the hospitals in a timely manner, and guide and urge medical institutions to prioritize the procurement of selected products. The text is as follows: Deputy Director Shi Zihai went to Tianjin to investigate the centralized procurement of high-value medical consumables organized by the state On August 30, 2024, Shi Zihai, member of the party group and deputy director of the National Medical Insurance Administration, led a team to Tianjin to investigate the centralized procurement of high-value medical consumables organized by the state. They visited Tianjin Medical Procurement Center and medical institutions in person, and listened to relevant opinions and suggestions. Shi Zihai pointed out that it is necessary to accelerate the progress of the new batch of centralized procurement of high-value medical consumables organized by the state, include high-value medical consumables such as cochlear implants in the procurement scope, fully consider the consumables market and clinical characteristics, and research and improve the procurement rules on a case-by-case basis. It is necessary to ensure the implementation of the results of the selection of the fourth batch of consumables procurement and the renewal of the agreement for artificial joint procurement when the agreement expires, ensure that the selected products enter the hospitals in a timely manner, guide and urge medical institutions to prioritize the procurement of selected products, and ensure that the people benefit effectively. Officials from the Pricing and Procurement Department of the National Medical Insurance Administration and the Tianjin Medical Insurance Administration participated in the investigation. This article is selected from the "National Medical Insurance Administration", edited by Liu Jiayin.
