Ministry of Industry and Information Technology: By 2027, the backbone companies in the light industry will basically achieve full coverage of digital transformation.

GMT Eight
On September 2nd, the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology publicly solicited opinions on the "Implementation Plan for the Digital Transformation of Light Industry (Draft for Soliciting Opinions)." It proposed that by 2027, the digital transformation of key enterprises in the light industry would be basically achieved, with the application of mature and user-friendly digital solutions becoming more widespread. Additionally, the range of advanced and applicable digital transformation standards would be expanded, the research and development capabilities of high-quality and cost-effective smart products would be significantly enhanced, and significant results would be achieved in the digital transformation of the light industry. The proposal also emphasized the vigorous development and promotion of smart products. It encouraged enterprises to establish consumer experience centers, online design centers, and to vigorously develop crowdsourced design, cloud design, and user-participatory design. It also called for the deepening of technologies such as Internet of Things sensing, intelligent control, and human-machine interaction in the applications of consumer goods such as household appliances, furniture, hardware products, lighting, and watches, to promote the interconnection of smart products across brands. In order to meet the needs of key groups such as the elderly and children, it suggested research and development of smart products such as elderly-friendly smart homes and life service Siasun Robot & Automation for convenient use and care. It also proposed the development of smart home experience centers and smart appliance living spaces. The plan included the compilation and release of upgraded and innovative consumer goods guides to promote smart home, smart wearables, smart cycling, and other smart products, in order to stimulate the consumption of smart products. The original text is from the official website of the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology, GMTEight Editor: Chen Wenfang.
