National Railway Administration: During the summer peak travel season in 2024, the total number of passengers sent by the national railway reached 8.87 billion, an increase of 6.7% compared to the previous year.

GMT Eight
According to data from the national railway bureau, the 62-day railway summer transport operation ended successfully on August 31. From July 1 to August 31, the national railway system carried a total of 887 million passengers, an increase of 6.7% compared to the same period last year, setting a new record for summer passenger traffic. The transportation of goods remained at a high level, and railway transport was safe, stable, and orderly. This summer, student flows, tourist flows, family visit flows, and other passenger flows overlapped, resulting in strong passenger travel demand and maintaining high passenger flow levels. The railway department coordinated both passenger and freight transport, as well as flood prevention and safety measures, carefully organized summer passenger transport, implemented measures for the convenience of the people, and effectively ensured the travel of the people and the needs of social logistics, providing reliable support for the stable operation of the economy. During the summer transport period, the railway department coordinated resources between high-speed railways and conventional railways, fully tapped and expanded capacity, dynamically optimized train operation plans, while also improving service quality and enhancing the travel experience for passengers. The railway's 12306 client introduced new functions such as "student ticket booking service" and "collection of student travel needs," allowing student passengers to book tickets in advance for themselves and two companions. During the summer transport period, a total of 14.32 million student tickets were sold. In terms of freight transport, due to continuous high temperatures in many areas and increased electricity demand, the railway department intensified efforts to ensure energy supply for transportation, effectively utilized major coal transport routes such as Daqin, Haoji, Warit, and Tanghu, dynamically monitored the coal demands of key power plants, implemented capacity allocation, provided prioritized support, and maintained a high level of coal reserves at 371 railway power plants nationwide, effectively serving the peak summer demand in various regions.
