New Stock News: Dexon Plans to List Overseas, China Securities Regulatory Commission Requires Explanation of the Compliance of the Establishment of the Equity Structure.

GMT Eight
On August 23, the China Securities Regulatory Commission issued the "Supplementary Materials Requirements for Overseas Issuance and Listing Filing (August 16, 2024 to August 22, 2024)". The China Securities Regulatory Commission required Deexon (private exchange to public) and 3 other companies to provide supplementary materials. Specifically, the CSRC requested Deexon to clarify the compliance of its equity structure establishment, the reasons for and compliance of the insufficient registered capital of its main domestic operating entities Zhejiang Wangsu, Qingdao Zhongguang, and other related matters. Specifically, the CSRC asked Deexon to supplement the following matters, have lawyers verify and provide clear legal opinions: 1. Please explain the compliance of the establishment of the equity structure of the company. This includes conclusive opinions on the legality and compliance of the onshore natural persons and onshore institutions holding company shares through overseas holding platforms involved in the construction of the equity structure and inbound mergers and acquisitions, legal and compliance conclusions on the establishment of the main operating entities onshore and all previous equity changes, pricing basis, fairness, tax payment situation of the transfer of 25% equity of Zhejiang Wangsu by transferring to Changlong Hong Kong Investment Limited, pricing of the acquisition of Zhejiang Wangsu equity by Huansu Technology, comparison of the transfer price of Zhejiang Wangsu equity by Zhongguang Yiyun and Ningbo Lishu, Shareholders holding over 5% of the shares EXCP QQG Holding Limited, EXCPXCH Holding Limited, etc., in accordance with the "Regulatory Guidelines". 2. Please explain in the company's filing materials that the main business is to provide petrochemical and plastic product supply chain services through the supply chain management platform, but also holds the "Dangerous Chemical Business License (excluding storage facilities)", and plans to build a polystyrene product production base in Henan Province. Please explain the user group targeted by the supply chain management platform and whether there have been any changes in the main business before and after the listing, whether the projects under construction or planned for fundraising belong to "high energy-consuming" or "high emission" projects, and provide relevant evidence. 3. Please explain the reasons for and compliance of the insufficient registered capital of the main domestic operating entities Zhejiang Wangsu, Qingdao Zhongguang, whether it has a significant impact on the company's business operations and debt repayment ability.
