Heilongjiang's large expected gap in savings, opening to the north is expected to lead the new growth in northeast China.

GMT Eight
The field of __ is still at the national leading level, and is still at the forefront in industries such as automotive, chemical, aerospace, and equipment manufacturing. Therefore, research universities and national research institutions should play a role in strengthening layout in the above-mentioned key areas and industries.Third, strengthen the construction of key cities in terms of spatial development. On one hand, provide greater support to central cities such as Harbin, Changchun, Shenyang, and Dalian, with experts even suggesting raising them to the status of "directly administered" or "economic special zone". On the other hand, focus on the development of regional central cities represented by prefecture-level city centers, gradually raising the overall development level of the Northeast region. Utilize the infrastructure of central cities to establish an efficient international economic corridor connecting China, South Korea, Russia, and Mongolia, building a convenient sea access and inland transportation hub. Over the past century, the Northeast region has experienced the pioneering days of "moving to the Northeast" in the spring, the prosperous summer as the "eldest son of the Republic", and the subdued autumn and harsh winter of the past half century. Now, whether the Northeast can return to spring and lead the wave of the new era is a thought-provoking question. The huge expectations and potential opportunities that exist here may contain historic levels of investment opportunities.

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