GMTEight Global Finance Journal | November 20th

GMT Eight
Preview, on November 20, 2023, the major global economies will release the following important data, as follows: 08:00 Singapore GDP YoY Q3 Final Value (%) Expected: -- Previous: 0.7 Singapore GDP QoQ Q3 Seasonally Adjusted Final Value (%) Expected: -- Previous: 1 09:15 China 5-year Loan Prime Rate Market Quotation Rate (%) Expected: 4.2 Previous: 4.2 China 1-year Loan Prime Rate Market Quotation Rate (%) Expected: 3.45 Previous: 3.45 09:30 China Swift RMB Share in Global Payments (%)(Timings uncertain) Expected: -- Previous: 3.71 10:30 China FDI YoY CNY-YTD (%)(Time uncertain) Expected: -- Previous: -8.4 11:00 China LNG Import Volume in October - Clean Energy (10,000 tons)(Timings uncertain) Expected: -- Previous: 569 China Pipeline Gas Import Volume in October - Clean Energy (10,000 tons)(Timings uncertain) Expected: -- Previous: 446 China Diesel Export Volume in October - Energy (10,000 tons)(Timings uncertain) Expected: -- Previous: 118 13:00 Japan Supermarket Sales YoY in October (%) Expected: -- Previous: 2.8 15:00 Germany PPI MoM in October (%) Expected: -0.1 Previous: -0.2 Germany PPI YoY in October (%) Expected: -- Previous: -- Annual rate (%) Expectation: -- Previous value: -14.7 15:20 China China's national electricity installed capacity in October - Year to date (billion kilowatt-hours) (irregular) Expectation: -- Previous value: 27.9 China China's national electricity installed capacity rate in October - Year to date (%) (irregular) Expectation: -- Previous value: 12.3 16:00 Taiwan, China Taiwan, China's annual export order rate in October (%) Expectation: -4.93 Previous value: -15.6 16:20 Taiwan, China Taiwan, China's Q3 international balance of payments (billion US dollars) Expectation: -- Previous value: 52.2 Taiwan, China Taiwan, China's Q3 current account (billion US dollars) Expectation: -- Previous value: 222.4 17:00 Switzerland Switzerland's average weekly current account deposits as of November 17th (billion Swiss francs) Expectation: -- Previous value: 4675.2 Greece Greece's September current account (billion euros) Expectation: -- Previous value: 4.98 Switzerland Switzerland's total amount of current account deposits as of November 17th (billion Swiss francs) Expectation: -- Previous value: 4763.07 17:30 South Africa South Africa's BCI Business Confidence Index in October Expectation: -- Previous value: 108.2 18:00 Eurozone Eurozone's construction output YoY in September (%) Expectation: -- Previous value: -0.1 Eurozone Eurozone's construction output MoM in September (%) Expectation: -- Previous value: -1.06 21:00 Canada Canadian national economic confidence index as of November 17th: Expectation: -- Previous value: 48.68 23:00 US October Conference Board Leading Indicators: Expectation: -- Previous value: 104.6 US October Conference Board Lagging Indicators MoM (%): Expectation: -- Previous value: 0.2 US October Conference Board Leading Indicators MoM (%): Expectation: -0.7 Previous value: -0.7 US October Conference Board Coincident Indicators MoM (%): Expectation: -- Previous value: 0.3Could you please provide the text that you would like to have translated into English?
