GOME RETAIL (00493): The proposed supermarket business will be operated through a collaboration between the company's major shareholder, Huang Guangyu, and affiliated parties, as well as an independent third party.

GMT Eight
GOME RETAIL (00493) announces that the board of directors has noted an increase in the company's stock price and trading volume today. The board of directors also notes various news reports about Gome Supermarket's plan to establish 10,000 supermarkets within three years (the proposed supermarket business). The board of directors hereby clarifies that the company is not a contracting party in the proposed supermarket business. According to the board of directors' understanding, the proposed supermarket business will be operated in cooperation with independent third parties by Mr. Huang Guangyu, the company's major shareholder, and its affiliates. The company does not rule out the possibility of exploring potential opportunities for new retail projects in the future. If such opportunities arise, the company will make further announcements in accordance with the Securities and Futures Ordinance and listing rules. Apart from the disclosure in this announcement, the company confirms that it is not aware of any other reasons that may have caused such changes or any other information that needs to be disclosed to avoid false market in its securities, or any insider information that needs to be disclosed under Part XIVA of the Securities and Futures Ordinance.

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