IMOTIONAUTOTECH (01274): The stock abbreviation has been changed to "ZhiXing Technology."

GMT Eight
IMOTIONAUTOTECH (01274) announces that the English stock abbreviation of the company's H shares traded on the main board of the Hong Kong Stock Exchange will be changed from "IMOTIONAUTOTECH" to "IMOTIONTECH", and the Chinese stock abbreviation will be changed from "IMOTIONAUTOTECH" to "" to better reflect the company's business scope, effective from 9:00 am on March 17, 2025. The company's English and Chinese names will remain as "iMotion Automotive Technology (Suzhou) Co., Ltd." and "IMOTIONAUTOTECH (Suzhou) Co., Ltd.", respectively, while the stock code for the H shares on the Stock Exchange will remain unchanged as "1274". The change in the company's stock abbreviations will not affect any rights of the existing shareholders.
